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Safest training aircraft

Guest alexen

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Hi All




I don't want this to cause any controversy but -




I am looking into undertaking flight training at a local RA-Aus flying school and have quite a choice of different aircraft (Jabiru/Gazelle/Drifter/Texan/Storch/Tecnam). Being safety my no. 1 priority, is there a particular aircraft with an excellent reputation for safety? My inkling is going with Jabiru as there are hundreds around and I can't recall any serious incidents in them. I understand that there are other much more significant factors when it comes to safety such as the pilot/instructor experience and good decision making ability. But as a starting point fully within my control I feel it’s a good move to identify the statistically safest option.




Appreciate any input








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Hi Alexen


You have asked a very good question! which Iam sure you will get many replies to.


Our club here has just purchased a Jabiru J230D, which we are very impressed with, only arrived last thursday and having much fun.


I feel that on the whole most aircraft which are certifed for training (as they have to be factory built and certified, no modifications) are safe.


My thought's are with the high wing aircraft as in any upside down situation the ocupants have a higher degree of protection. We also prefer to wear our hats on our heads! rather than sitting on them, just for comfort reason's!


Hope this helps


Lovin It!:;)4:


Cheers Guy



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Perhaps RA-Aus could give you a summary of aircraft accidents / incidents along with aircraft type and injuries sustainted and you could try to devise your own outcomes?


It would be difficult to ascertain if an 'un-safe' aircraft caused the incident as such, however it may give you an idea of the level of crash protection.



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Well Alexen, you certainly do have an incredible range of choices, & I agree with Guy you will get an amazing range of personal preferences in your answers. Guy’s experience is far superior to mine, but my suggestion is; if your instructor/s are proficient/endorsed on each of the types you mention, at an advanced stage of your training, or after, try them all.


The safety of each make/model could be very subjective, though I note this is the very object of your post, an experienced, conscientious instructor should get you through. And by the time you’re finished you’ll have a wide range of endorsements in your log book, including tail wheel.


Having said all that the Gazelle is probably (I’ve heard) the easiest to fly.


I truly hope the more experienced don’t disagree, or I’ve led you astray.


Regards, Decca.



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Having completed my training and got my AUF certificate in a Gazelle and flown quite a few things since, I'd agree with anyone who says it's one of the easiest aircraft to fly and a great ab-initio training aircraft for teaching pure stick and rudder flying as it's very responsive to input, great for crosswind landings and it conveys your control inputs very well.


My opinion only, but I think it's a good idea to train and get your certificate in a "simple" aircraft then progress to more of some of the advanced types once qualified and have some time under your wings...so to speak.







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The safest aircraft is only that one which belongs to an instructor old enough to represent Him !


Nominally, unsafe aircrafts are not in the schools, they are already grounded.


First, take a choice between the tail-dragger (traditional) undercarriage or the (modern) nose wheel one.


This is an important step in your training.


In my case my choice was Thruster T500 (Gemini) tail-dragger.


If you can fly this bitch you can fly anything between a barn door and B 747.


As a student you rely on your instructor, the aircraft is secondary.


The best instructor and the worse aircraft on training is your shot for the future.



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Interesting question - I guess the answer depends on what you mean by "statistically safest"


Most survivable in event of crash ?


Easiest to land (where most mishaps occur) ?


Most reliable engines ?


Safest or easiest to learn ?


Safest or easist to fly once qualified ?


Produces the best (most safe) pilot after training ?


Sorry if I'm making this too complicated ! The bottom line is that all the types used for flight training in Oz are factory designed and built and they are all "safe". The vast majority of accidents are the result of pilot error and/or bad maintenance not unsafe aircraft design. And they usually happen to qualified pilots not in the training environment.


Your concern is commendable but I suggest that the safest outcome would be achieved by you getting the best training in an aircraft and school that suits your needs and aspirations. If this means visiting the establishments on your short list and having a flight in the various types then its money & time well spent in my opinion. And the decision is definately within your control


Hope that helps





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Guest disperse

"THE ONE THAT STAYS ON THE GROUND" 006_laugh.gif.0f7b82c13a0ec29502c5fb56c616f069.gif006_laugh.gif.d4257c62d3c07cda468378b239946970.gif006_laugh.gif.0f7b82c13a0ec29502c5fb56c616f069.gif


Nah can't leave the post like that. because thats also the most "Unfulfilling"


Don't sweat it I have a fear of flying that has always been there ........ and may just save my life one day !!



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Thank you all very much for the input. It certainly has given me a lot to think about.


I will book in TIFs with a couple local schools shortly as suggested to assess the instructors and aircraft myself.


Out of -


*Cabroolture Recreational Aviation


*Walters Flying School




*Freeflying Redcliffe


Can anyone advise of good/bad expeirences with them in terms of good instructors and well maintained aircraft?


Thanks kindly



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The schools I generally suggest people evaluate are Pro-Sky Caboolture and Caboolture Recreational Aviation. Walters Flying School is further to travel from Brisi for most people but if thats not an issue it would be worth checking them out also.







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If you go to Walters you should get a good grounding, especially in the Drifter.


The question you didn't ask was which is the aircraft which will make the safest pilot. I think you need a plane which must be flown, not one that flies itself. The Drifter and Thruster must be flown while the Gazelle will make you look good but not necessarily prepare you for other types.



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Just To Throw one In!


Do you feel it is the aircraft which makes you a good pilot?


Or possibly the attitude or Wholistic approach of the whole situation!


Yes, agree some aircraft are more of a challenge!


However sometimes the challenge is within! as well as being influenced by outside factor's.


This site to a certian degree has given us all contact with a whole bunch of Knowledge and different idea's, however feeling there is also great merrit in sitting around in the club house after the day's physical flying is done and hearing a few stories of other's experiences first hand is also very useful!


And all getting together at flyin's where possible!


Have a Wonderful Day


Cheers Guy



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Guest TOSGcentral



I think I understand your views but as safety is reasonably your prime concern I can only echo what others have said before me on this thread re certified aircraft. Any school aircraft is inherently safe!


An aircraft is no more than any other piece of machinery. A gun for example is a harmless piece of junk metal – until it is picked up. What happens then is very much in the hands of the teacher and the student. What will you use if for and how will you do so – how serviceable is it?


There is also the question of ambience and desire – you want to be safe but what do you actually want to do with flying. To a great extent that will dictate your choice of action.


Ultralight flying is changing. Once, and perhaps still, taildraggers were the mainstay of the movement – because they were most prevalent. On those you become a rounded pilot – if you then keep up your skills, yet can fly any ultralight (with suitable briefing – or sadly, even without!). Nowadays the tricyle undercarriage is becoming dominant.


My purpose for butting in here is your question about Kev Walters. Kev is the Regional Operational Controller for SE Qld and is a highly experienced ag pilot. He is hard on standards but at the same time easy to get on with.


He has a Drifter taildragger and a couple of other more exotic ‘fantastics’ in his little flying school.


I currently use him for my formal instructional ‘signing paper type stuff’ needs since I resigned my own instructor ratings.


Kev is a bit out of Brisbane but it could be worth the trip – depends on if you want to be a ‘fast food’ customer or become a real pilot.


If you want a little more then drop in with me. I no longer operate a school but I can certainly give you some practical exposure to operating taildraggers on a Thruster – and they do not come any harder than that. I will not scare you, rather I would show you that a little knowledge can tame the most apparently wildest beast!


Like I said – it really depends on what you want to do! But that is a bit more advice for you/







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