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Somersby closed/closing??

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Yes, the property containing Somersby strip is for sale. There are some members on this forum who might be able to provide an update. With all the hangars there in addition to the strip, one would hope it will be bought by another aviaphile.







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Guest Juliette Lima

Hi all,


The owners are moving North and have the property on the market for around 1.6 million....about 40 acres with a reasonably sound brick home. This seems not overly excessive for the location and land quality.


A local flyer, Peter Dyer is hoping to raise a syndicate of around 20 interested people with shares at $80,000, and proposes to either use the house for members or rent the house and adjoining rural land out. At last count Peter had eight interested starters.... there are strip length limitations....not sure of details.


If anyone is seriously interested I could chase up Peter Dyer's contact details.


The costal flying is superb.







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Guest Juliette Lima

Hi J


Perhaps not quite that STOL....there are some GA aircraft based there (not sure of specifics) but know there are limitations, and a gazelle periodically flys to Cessnock to say G'day.


The big issue might be to ensure that the local council will still allow future operations ..


owners say the strip has established or recognised approval which should continue for intending buyers.


I hope its not lost to chicken farming!!







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There was a Bird Dog and some type of GA twin operating there at one point, and the former Qantas Chief Pilot flew from there. I'm not sure if he still does. I'm told though that it is not somewhere you'd want to make a mistake!



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Yeah....One J400 owner was there until the rents were screwed through the roof! Even Hoxton is more appealing for him now.


The approach is interesting and often a side slip to be sure of plenty of runway, and once committed to land......you are LANDING!





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I rented half a hanger there up until 2 yrs ago. then i thought it was a bargan at $42. a week compared to everywhere else. i saw a lot of interesting landings and take offs. it is one turbulant area. the strip slopes up toward the road and the approach is over a ridge can be pretty decieving if you don't have a chance to view it first from the ground.any problems on take off and you will hit something.fences trees hill. two trikes were written off whilst i was there. just blown off the strip during round out. tall trees down the side don't help any. the lazair almost suffered the same fate as the trikes so moved up to the Valley. They were putting in more pads for hangers but haven't been back to check the progress. along with the house there is a large shed that they used as a worm farm. producing live worms and fertiliser. elevation is around 1500ft so tends to suffer from low cloud and wind in southerlies. a lot of development going on in the area. but i think it is still zoned rural and semi rural so no big housing estates yet. the strip has been there for at least 30 years so. small farm on one side and some govt argricultural facility on the other. approach/departure to the west is house free but the other way needs a left turn before the road to avoid over flying a house.





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they were doing a fair bit of work to it when i moved so i don't know how far they have gone. the area is mostly sandy. the strip was in need of a grade and better surface material that won't wash away, make the overrun to the west a bit more survivable if they haven't already. power to the hangers would be a good move. upgrade the toilet and shower facilities. there is a small building that is used for training. get rid of the fence and open drain running down the side of the strip. cull the deers that run wild in the area. better protection from bushfires around the hanger. overall it was in pretty good condition then.


really needs a comment or photo or two from someone who is there now.





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Guest Bendorn

Ozzie, can you tell me as much as you can about this location? Anyone else who has stories to tell? Positive or Negative? Ben



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Guest Juliette Lima

Hi Ben,


Do you have an interest other than learning a bit more about the strip for possible purchase or just out of interest? if your enquiry is a bit more serious I can probably put you in touch with someone who flies regularly from there.....I've been in and out a few times in a drifter with stacks of room to spare, however only on calm days.


The strip seems to be in fine condition notwithstanding recent very heavy rains.


The aera receives NE costal breezes many afternoons during summer which might 'roll over' adjacent trees...Ozzie would know more on this.


I fly from Cessnock and regularly hear Somersby traffic (or did so until a recent frequency change) so I guess there is a small amount of activity there.


On most calm weekend days there is some trike activity with introductory flights available.


The area is stunning costal flying.


I've tried to get a berth there a few times but have had little luck....I have however put my hand up as a potential part owner, provided the 'organiser' can get 20 starters....at the moment there are 8.


Once again if your interest is more than 'passing' I'll see if I can get more info.







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pic of somersby


I was coming down the F3 today and stopped off to have a look and take a photo. ah, did i mention that it can get a little cloudy and windiy due to its elevation. this is looking northish.down the strip. i'll upload a short clip tonight on you tube give you an idea of how it usually is there.







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here is a short vid (no sound ) of a parapelegic landing a storch fitted with hand controls at somersby note the wind in the tress gusty and crosswind.


weather can deteriorate pretty quick here when a change comes thru.


but dose not get to the above photo state too often. it was pretty well like this at sea level yesterday.





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Guest Juliette Lima

Hi Ben,


Details coming of a current Somersby flyer.


For a few years I flew gliders from the Mangrove Mountain gliding club just up the road......the 'clagged in' days were about the same as anywhere else ....I'm not too sure Somersby has a mortgage on overcast...


We seemed to fly most days from the area and changes were reasonable well heralded....like anywhere I guess.


Ozzie is right about trees and breezes.....The NE costal afternoon breeze used to kill our thermals somewhat at the gliding field and would doubtless cause rollover with trees at Somersby.


The owners were seasoned flyers and were most capable on the strip....others (like me) perfer calm or wind straight down the strip.







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Guest Bendorn

Thanks for the insight JL. Who wouldn't prefer calm days with a gentle breeze in your face on final all year round..... Yet to find that place.



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