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Guest Darren Masters

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Not a fan either, but I'm utterly gobsmacked that a grubby rabble are allowed to effectively hold our head of state hostage and get so close to physically threatening her. Methinks our riot police could do with a little assertiveness training. Try that stunt almost anywhere else in the world and see what happens.



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Didn't realise she lost her shoe. You'd think they'd leave them inside until the situation was totally under control ( the PM & Opposition Leader, I mean, not her shoes).


Cheers, Willie.



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Guest Darren Masters

Was not trying to say the behaviour on behalf of the protesters was ok but I really am loving her losing her shoe...



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Will we see the shoe on Ebay? They really should return it to her. Not a supporter either but that is wrong regardless. That crowd could've been pushed back one way or the other & should have.



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Guest Darren Masters

Still, the public has her shoe at ransom. She lost that shoe. Now I wish she would lose that hideous accent of hers too and maybe it will be a better place. That and carbon tax plus a few other things...



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Announcement: Stolen shoe apology. A very formal handback ceremony due to the great importance, will be held to return the stolen shoe in return for the stolen land.


In the meantime, Julia will be provided a voucher for replacement footage only at specified shops. Footage from SBS and the ABC will not be acceptable as these providers may be too difficult to manipulate. No further mileage from the incident is to be made.


Julia will be eligible to make a shoe title claim which will take approximately twenty years or more before this is seriously considered. This will be dependant on Julia being able to show continuous connection with the shoe. This may be difficult to prove as she will not have had the shoe for 20 years.


Julia will also have to provide evidence she is a full-blooded shoe owner.


Well aware of the mileage he would get out of this footage incident, Tony was willing to cede sovereignty of the shoe without resistance, proving he doesn't have a leg to stand on. In the spirit of reconciliation, Tony is offered a voucher to assist in costs to cover his crutch.


Jamms Shoe Title Collective


Aboriginal Tent Embassy, Canberra



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Ugh, what a distasteful episode from go to whoa - and a lovely sequel with the flag burning. I hear this morning's claims that a Juliar staffer was involved in inciting the incident were well founded; as I said earlier I'm no fan but do feel rather sorry for her on a personal level, there is simply no upside to this.



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Will part of the formallities be the burning of another flag again, while adults allow children to spit on it ???

It's never a good sight to see any nation's flag burnt as an act protest. But almost as disrespectful to a nation's flag is to turn it into a tea towel, beach towel, T-shirt, hat, pair of socks, handerchief, underwear, bumper stickers etc. There's not enough space here to list the ways in which we show disrespect to our flag on a daily basis. I'd rather see hoons roaring around with a heap of flags streaming from a beaten up old commodore than people sitting on our flag down at the beach. People are well intentioned, but have never been taught the accepted protocol of the usage of our flag. It's getting out of control.

Cheers, Willie.



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I agree with willedoo and his sentiments regards the flag 100%... with the exception of the burning part. Making it illegal to burn the flag would make us no better then "them"... better to make a country where it's citizens don't feel the need to make this sort of statement....



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I also agree with Willedoo. And winsor68. - I've experienced the extent that the Americans have to their flag, even it just touching the ground, it sort of freaked them out how we would treat our flag. but burning is a different thing, it being done by radicals overseas whinging about the slightest thing, even a bad cricket decision, thats one thing. It does hurt though it being done on home soil. Oh and the spitting by the kids.



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Settle down Davey, rum and the keyboard never mixed very well.


I don't know Darren other than through the forum but I believe he is either an Aussie working in NZ or at least has lived here - not really relevant to his expressing an opinion on a public figure anyway. I think if you go back and read the contributions, you'll find that with one exception we all see things broadly similarly, matters not, we can still discuss the incident in a civilised manner. Don and I are almost guaranteed to be at opposite extremes of any political discussion, but still manage to rub along ok.



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