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Forum enhancement?

Guest airsick

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Guest airsick

I just had a thought, one of the rarer moments in my life but still...


Browsing throught the members list (link in the blue bar across the top of the forum) and thought it would be handy to be able to sort the list based on location or airstrip. The reason I thought of this was Natfly. I was thinking about looking for people near me who might want to fly over together but not being able to sort the list makes it a bit of a nuisance.


You can already sort based on name, posts, etc. but not location or airstrip.


What do ther people think? i_dunno



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Guest airsick

I didn't read your mind, the good idea was mine. Please don't steal it from me, they tend to be few and far between. 006_laugh.gif.0f7b82c13a0ec29502c5fb56c616f069.gif



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Done! - well, better late then never. :big_grin:


However, if you want to search for say just members at Penfield then you can use the search and then Advance Search function in the Member's List page. You can search by any number of fields - hope this helps!



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