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Your assistance would be appreciated.


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I have a bit of a conundrum and would appreciate your thoughts.


How should I categorise the super lifters, such as the An-124 Ruslan, An-225 Mryia, Super Guppy, etc. in the Aircraft section? They are not Airliners, but neither are they specifically Military. Should there be a separate category for Super Freighters, just like we added Sea Planes? Ian, your thoughts would be welcome.


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Since I really don't know your criteria for categorising, I'll abstain from passing an opinion. Surely there are freighters that are not gigantic. Couldn't all aircraft that are generally used for freight be lumped together as Air Freighters? Makes it hard when the likes of a 747 can be used for multiple roles for civilian or military purposes.


I'm trying to think of early specific freighters, like the ME 363, or experimental biggies like the Russian Kalinin K-7. What about the Hadrian glider? 


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