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Restoration and documented history of a 1929 Travelair 6000 monoplane

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This is truly a great aircraft restoration story, complete with as much history of the aircraft (which is a lot), that the restorers could find. This aircraft was the 2021 AirVenture Oshkosh Grand Champion in the Antique class.


Some fascinating information in this story -


1. The number of accidents the aircraft had is amazing, and it still flies today! Out of 150 Travelair 6000's built, only 6 remain in flying condition. The vast majority of the Travelair 6000's were purchased and (well) used by commercial airlines.

2. The story behind the "wicker chair" style of construction - it's not cane, as you might think! The restorers had to search the U.S. to find someone with the skills to rebuild the seats to the original style of construction.

3. The first aircraft to drop "smokejumpers" in Montana, to start backburns to fight forest fires. This arrangement was deemed to be a major improvement on the previous arrangement, where the Travelair reported forest fires, and the Forest Commission then had to build a road to the fire. By the time the Forest Commission people had got the road into the fire, the fire was massive, and out of control!

4. The amount the cotton fabric shrank over the years, and how the cotton was stronger than the structural elements, and how this shrinkage actually buckled aluminium sections!


All in all, one of the most comprehensive and fascinating aircraft restoration stories I have watched and read in a long time. These people are dedicated beyond belief. As with all major restorations, a sizeable number of volunteers were invaluable.




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