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Laser Pointers

Guest Fred Bear

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Guest Fred Bear

Interesting with all these bloody idiots pointing lasers at aircraft of late. This today:




Now what I want to know is where does that leave me? Any lawyers or political experts on this forum? I have just ordered a high powered laser but I have a legitimate use for it. That is, stargazing/astronomy. Normally my laser will be used near Hill End in Western NSW. Most of the aircraft flying there are at FL 300-450 so I doubt I will be bothering them. I would be reluctant to use the thing should I spot an aircraft anyway. If the govt. proposes a law, how long before it normally comes into the system? My laser should be here by the end of the week or early next week) and it worries me to think that I have to come up with a real good story for customs should it be intercepted on arrival. I have had one for a while and have had to replace due to the old one being deceased. I read all this crap today about these morons (and the media are alot to blame for attracting all this attention). My thoughts about these guys doing this: You are morons. Grow up before you cause a serious accident. You are putting lives at danger. Those that point them at helicopters are really just plain stupid. How do they know it is not a police chopper? Just want to make the point known that there are some legitimate uses for these things and as usual, the morons are killing it for us guys that really want them for something other than 'bringing down' an aircraft. Your thoughts would be appreciated.



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I also use green lasers in my observatory both attached to my telescopes for star alignment, and for pointing out interesting astronomical items to visitors and groups. I operate in south eastern NSW and have had no problems with them. The latest news states that legitimate users may be able to get them licenced (at what cost?).


Darren, I agree, the idiots that misuse these are morons, and down right dangerous.



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Fello astronomers on the Flying forums..exellent.. I have a green laser pointer and its an invaluable tool when pointing out objects for onlookers, its pretty simple i reckon, if there's an aircraft there, don't point it at them, or anywhere near them...While i agree it would be a loss to us if they banned them, it may end up being what has to happen in order to stop these fools. I'd love to take them up to 10000 ft, put a blindfold on them and get them to try flying the plane..ggrrrrllll backhairs are prickling


To answer the original question, Darren i wouldn't worry to much about the laws getting passed too soon, they will need to argue about it, fill out the paper work, loose the paper work, find the paperwork again, find someone to blame, start the paperwork on them, and after all that, they may actually change the laws...but i wouldn't be holding my breath...



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Guest Fred Bear
As of yesterday the NSW govt has outlawed them. 14 years in the slammer.

I don't think the law has been passed yet Ozzie. I think the media hype has caught alot of people. They were not actually banned as of yesterday. 14 years in the slammer. I'd love to see that. Why don't they just ban knives because some idiots stab people with them? It's like the issue of fireworks. A few idiots did silly things with them then bang (pardon the pun), they took them away from the rest of us. I can still get them though and I am sure most people can although it is harder than before. Now, having a mate with a pyro licence I will always be able to get them (as long as they always allow fireworks shows), which I doubt they will ban as Work Cover makes too much money from the licencing. Let's see what happens. Not all packages are inspected. If it is x-rayed, this thing looks like a pen so that's just what they may think it is. I will let you know what happens here. I am sure that if I was caught with one and I had my legitimate reason for using them and a police officer threatened me with several years in the slammer, I could get a good lawyer and have a fair chance of fighting it in court. If I were to point it at an aircraft on the other hand, different story.



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Guest Fred Bear
They got Polair last night.

Absolutely marvelous behaviour by these nice people once again and will no doubt add to the cause of taken these lasers away from us.



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With a 14 mile range and aircraft at 7.5 miles the only way the pilot could be affected is if he has a window in the lower half of the plane. Not very likely.



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Guest ozzie

I heard the Premier on the radio yesterday afternoon saying that they are banned and there was a write up in the SMH this morning saying two years jail if you do not have a good reason for having it and 14 years if you are caught pointing it at aircraft and such. polair was targeted last night at guildford and car drivers were also targeted at chapel road bankstown. most probably by the catch me if you can mentality. just another band aid solution by a lame govt trying to show they are trying to do something. prohibition just makes things more popular. knives were bannned long time ago. you can't even carry your swiss army knife in your pocket any more. concealed weapon. even tho i call it a tool of trade.





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With a 14 mile range and aircraft at 7.5 miles the only way the pilot could be affected is if he has a window in the lower half of the plane. Not very likely.

Agreed, very unlikely they are going to hit an aircraft, let alone actually blind anyone.

But I would bet my last dollar, that any airline pilot that sees it waving around is not going anywhere near it.



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