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Radio interference suppressor

Guest FlashWayne

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Guest FlashWayne

Hi guys. I'm told there is a very efficient noise suppressor available for aircraft radios. I believe a guy called Perry in Townsville sells them. If anyone knows the contact details for this guy could they please pass them on to me.





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A simple power filter/suppressor may not help if the RFI is entering through your headset leads, or if bad antenna connectors (or a badly tuned antenna) are the source of the problem.


The "silk purse from a sows ear" thread may be of assistance if you can't find the guy your looking for:


A silk purse from a sow's ear? - Recreational Flying


Its got some useful info on treating some RFI problems, including a power filter.



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Guest FlashWayne

Radio Intereference


At present my radio is powered by a large 12V dry cell. I am considering changing it to a wet cell and have the Rotax alternator system charge the battery. A friend with a Trike who is using a similar system gets interference from the engine charging system and I was told that this particular suppressor that is sold by this guy in Townsville does the trick.


By the way, I may change the batter/charging system because I currently only have a pull start and would like to fit a starter motor, so I will probably need a lot more amps to crank it over.





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Guest aircraft1

There should be no problem in using either a dry cell battery or a wet cell battery in the installation. You just need to work out where the problem is coming from. You still need to tell us what sort of radio you are using, is it correctly grounded, what type of aerial and coax etc. These things can all make a difference



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Guest Crezzi
Hi guys. I believe a guy called Perry in Townsville sells them. If anyone knows the contact details for this guy could they please pass them on to me.

You could try sending a private message to user Perry on this forum but I think you might be able to get the suppressor you are after though Ian's online shop "Clearprop"







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I have contacted Perry and wait for his reply - better to get his opinion on resolving the problem first to make sure it will do the job



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Guest FlashWayne

I'll have a look in "Clearprop" but also think it's worth waiting to see what Perry has to say.


Thanks guys.




Wayne 002_wave.gif.62d5c7a07e46b2ae47f4cd2e61a0c301.gif



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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Perry



I have just returned from our manufacturing facility abroad having spent some weeks assembling gear, learning some of the real curly issues and getting some flying in over African Game...


RF noise is a real bugger and it creeps in from all areas. We have found it comes in from:


1. Power Supply


2. Radio/Intercom Interface


3. Antenna Lead and Antenna


4. Headset Leads and contents


Prior to ordering anything, please undertake a simple process of elimination to kick off with - this could save Ian (and I) taking money off you to start off with.


1. Attempt to use the system without the engine running at all. Is there any noise?


2. If not then disconnect the system from the charging circuit and run it on a stand-alone battery with the engine running on the ground. Any noise? If so, then your source is not from your charging circuit or at least the circuit is not the chief contributor.


3. If it is clear then it is obvious that the charging circuit is a major contributor but it may not be the only one.


Common advice to most users is:


1. Either run the system independent of the charging circuit. If you need charging, get yourself a good quality noise filter. Ian can give you a line choke that we purpose built for noisy planes for under $100.


2. Invest in a good antenna setup well away from the human activity in the plan for health reasons. Make sure that you have a high quality RG58 Co-ax lead with as few plugs in it. Make certain the plugs are in good condition. This will cost less than $250 - again, Ian carries a full line.


3. Make sure that you invest in or correctly install a good quality intercom system. Make sure that the lead between the transceiver and the intercom is kept to a MINIMUM - the shorter the better. In our experience, one of our biggest areas for RF ingress is the lead between transceiver and intercom.


4. If your transceiver lead is any longer than 70mm you should install an RF bead on it to suppress any likely RF. This is a real winner and costs a couple of cents.


5. Attempt to keep your Headset leads and plugs away from sources of noise - this is not always possible and does not always lead to a significant contribution of such. Often it is poor condition of plugs and connectors that causes issues. Our systems that are available through Ian make use of RJ45 Plugs (LAN) as these suffer little issues with connection and do not require solder to keep them together.


Often when one is in the market to go new, we recommend that owners purchase a full system - Powerbox, Vee Rabbit Antenna, Chatterbox Intercom with Headsets and Vertex VXA220. To date we have shipped over a hundred units without a return. Should you wish to see one of these systems in action, drop down to Townsville and we can let you have a checkride with one. Alternatively, we should be in Innisfail in the coming future - we could bring a system up as they are fully portable and transferrable.


Any questionsm just drop me a pm?







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Guest FlashWayne

Radio Noise


Thanks for your info Perry. I certainly have a few things to check. When granted the time, I'll go through the system thoroughly before ordering any suppressor/filters.




Wayne :thumb_up:



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Guest Rocko

You're taking the complicated approach. Just duck down to woolies, get a frozen chook, and wave it over the radio for a while, dancing around and yelling madly like a nutter. Sometimes, only Voodoo works ;) 006_laugh.gif.0f7b82c13a0ec29502c5fb56c616f069.gif



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