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Guest ozzie

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Guest ozzie

The EAA have announced this week that all issues of the Sport Aviation magazine have now been archived and are available online for members. Covers the period from 1953 to 2008. issues can be browsed or searched by word or phrase or issue.


I entered "welding" and recieved 1511 hits.





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  • 2 weeks later...

I knew they (EAA) were copying all magazines to disc and that the entire history of 'Sport Aviation' was available to purchase.


Did not know it was available online, but Here it is!.


You do need to be a member...;)





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I've been attempting to download some of these since EAA announced its availability. Individual articles are ok but I'm trying to download whole magazines so I can browse them offline, but they keep bogging down and timing out. I've tried on 3 seperate computers through 2 different inet connections. (I've yet to try dialup.)



I don't have the time to waste sitting at a computer to download all the seperate articles.



Anyone else having similar problems, any solutions ?






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  • 2 weeks later...
I use a program called 'download accelerater plus

Hi Ozzie


Problem is that I'm getting 19.9Mb of a 20Mb file and then the download freezes. This is with Mozilla and 2 different versions of explorer,one of which (mine) I know is patched right up to date, the one at work has patches pushed by IT so I don't know exactly how up to date it is but regardless they all have the identical problem. The only commonality is that all 3 machines are running XP.


I'm rather reluctant to install new software on the off chance it might work, especially when it appears the problem is at the other end. What i'm really asking is have you, or anyone else, managed to download one of the 'complete month' files, if so, must be my end and I need to do something, if everyone else is having the same problem I'll follow it up with the EAA.





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