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Emergency Beacons

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The latest magazine says that we will have to carry emergency beacons soon for flights over 50 miles from home. Does anybody know more? Would the unit Mendelssohn sell for just under $500 satisfy the regs?





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The GME one that you are talking about is fine however note that whilst it is ok it isn't the GPS version which helps to pinpoint your location better - naturally there are pros and cons of either.


In any event the Clear Prop shop can get them cheaper if you are willing to wait a few weeks for your order to come in as GME stocks are very limited at the moment or you may find a ship Chandler or camping goods store will have that particular one cheaper as well - shop around Mate!


Also, have a look at this thread:





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I was in the market for a PLB, and as there is a fair price difference between the GPS & non GPS versions I rang the rescue coordination centre in Canberra for their opinion of the two beacons. Their advice was that the GPS version will provide a far greater degree of safety when you need it most. The beacons send a signal to a group of satelites which pass over a particular spot every 90 minutes. If you set your beacon off just after a satelite has passed, then you will have to wait another 90 minutes before your beacon is 'seen.' The non-GPS beacons will often need a second pass of the satelite to properly identify and locate you, and even then, they only guarantee accuracy to within a 5 km radius - still a significant search area. The GPS version can be identified on the first pass of the satelite, and located to within 120 metres. The rescue centre stated that with a GPS, the beacon can often be located within 5 minutes of activation. To my way of thinking, the extra $140 for the GPS version is a lot of money if I never need to use the thing (God willing), however it will be cheap insurance if things go pear shaped. A search of the internet will produce a national yacht chandler who does on-line sales, cheaper than any of the aviation suppliers, although I am sure that when Ian's supplies arrive, his price will be very competitive.







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