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Zlin Savage


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Does anyone have any details about Australian dealership of the Zlin Aviation Savage (called an Aeroscout in New Zealand).


The Savageis a tandem seating, high wing with folding wings built in the Czech Republic in kit form or ready to fly. It looks alot like a Piper Cub or Rans S7. (see picture below)


I can't find an aircraft listed on the VH - or the RA-Aus register. There was a dealership in New Zealand, who has been helpful, but I can't get details about costs in Aussie dollars, importing etc.


If you want more info, check out www.aerosavage.com/


Any help appreciated, thanks.


Trevor Bowen


20061206_112721_foto041.jpg CAVOK



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G'day Trevor,


The aircraft you are asking about can be supplied from the factory fully built. It would cost at least $80,000 AUD. That should include Shipping andGST. You would need to find out about certification here first. I may be able to assist you in regard to this as I have gone through the process previously. Let me know if you want any guidance.





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The spec's I have give the engine options as the Rotax 912/912s or Jabiru 2200. I would imagine that the price is for a 912 ( 80hp ) installation. The Kit price, delivered would be over $40,000 AUD.Although the book I have does not describe how complete the kit is, I doubt if it includes engine, prop. or instruments.



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Thanks Gerry. I'll remember your offer of assistance re registration of new type if I go ahead with this aircraft.


Hi facthunter, the website listed above has some information about the kit version of the Savage.There are also some great videos to watch. Finding actual Australian pricing is a challenge. I'm in the process of contacting the company in the Czech Republic, so if I find any information I'll send it on to you. There is a dealer in New Zealand, but that means paying for shipment to NZ, then shipping across the ditch to OZ!! I haven't been able to get any pricing from the dealer as yet. Zlin have now developed a new version called the Cruiser, which looks pretty cool too!


Good luck with your search.


Trevor Bowen



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Thanks for that CAVOK. That company have been building aeroplanes for a long time, so it might be something Quite out of the box. I wouldn't want to contemplate the double shipping proposition, there would have to be some way around that, in this day & age N......



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Hi All, I am new on this site and not computer literate,please bare with me,You have certainly created a great interest in the Zlin Savage,I like the lookof the aircraft so much so I managed to find the Email address for them and they intend to get back to me as soon as possible,I could not access there site properly as it keeps coming up with an error and I cannot access the website.I feel that any info that can be put here about this aircraft would be helpful to many people including myself.When I hear from the company I will post any relevant info I think could be helpfull to the cause.(GREAT SITE).MERRY XMAS to all. Regards LIONEL Sunshine Coast



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  • 8 months later...

I am 100% fluent in Czech language.


Just in case you need something.


The buggers up there do pretty good iron works, but would not learn English seriously.:clown:



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