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Airways program

Guest ozzie

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Guest ozzie

Just watching that Airways program on telly, has anyone flown tiger airlines? they seem to be pretty incompetent at the check in counter. hope the pilots can do a better job.



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I have to admit I was impressed on how they stuck by their policies. Some passengers need a case of shut the 088_censored.gif.2b71e8da9d295ba8f94b998d0f2420b4.gif up some times.


Allthough I thought the 4 mins late thing was a bit tough.



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Effective customer service ensures your customers don't have to "need a good dose of STFU"...

Agree but there are alot of customers do need a touch up



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Guest drizzt1978
Agree but there are alot of customers do need a touch up

The customer is all ways right!!!




Often misinformed......




Or there just idiots....



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Guest ozzie

that under 18 that had previously flown with them without having to get someone to sign for him then on the return trip had it laid out that he would not travel unless he could get someone to sign for him was a bit rude. poor kid was on the verge of freaking out. same thing with some parents who travelled with out paying extra for a prame then had it stuck to them on the return trip. same thing with kids luggage free one way then charged extra for the return trip. then the poor bugger who had his seat sold out from under him then had to stay behind. no i would not employ that woman with the attitude. you could always swing a passenger and one kid who is 4 minutes late the bags can come later. these guys should just run freight.


i wonder how much of the attitude was for the camera



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It is not at all a good advert for Tiger...I deal with these people regularly at work after Tiger has finished with them...actually makes my job easier...am I allowed to say that without getting my bottom sued off?


P.S. On a more serious note I have seen (and gotten involved in the aftermath) of one of their employees get punched in the throat...They don't deserve this.



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When anyone complains they really only have to look at ryanair..


There looking at Charges to go to the toilet...theres no check in counter, so if you forget to do it online before you go its 40 smackeroonies..The guy who runs it is looking into upright seating..Hes a bit of loon if you ask me..


Tiger are a pack of mice compared to some lowcost airlines..


If you get there on time and read the small print and there usually wont be a problem....Its not there fault if your late..



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Guest Mad Dave

I reckon good/bad service is a flight by flight thing, not really airline specific. I have flown business with Emirates and Qantas and had woeful service, but flown with Jetstar and Virgin in cattle class and found the service excellent. Having said that, I am a big fan of Malaysian though, they have always been good.



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When anyone complains they really only have to look at ryanair..There looking at Charges to go to the toilet...theres no check in counter, so if you forget to do it online before you go its 40 smackeroonies..The guy who runs it is looking into upright seating..Hes a bit of loon if you ask me..


Tiger are a pack of mice compared to some lowcost airlines..


If you get there on time and read the small print and there usually wont be a problem....Its not there fault if your late..

I second all of that:thumb_up:



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