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Guest studentbiggles

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Guest studentbiggles

:help:Hi Guys, had my 4th lesson today:sad:049_sad.gif.af5e5c0993af131d9c5bfe880fbbc2a0.gif Whata a "SHOCKER"....I've had a pretty eventful week within my business(TOO much work)!!!!....Haven't had much study time, which I mainly do in the evenings,but all seems to run into a blurrrrrr!!!...:confused:The post put up about what sort of a leaners/info intake, well I'm definitely an B + a C....I get so cross at myself for not being able to read a subject, act it out in my mind, then try to put it into practice in the A/C....If I could see the procedures on DVD and also read about it when not so tired I'm sure more will sink in. Please could you post me with any good study tools that I can watch....On Jabbi's 230 if possible Many thanks Studentbiggles...NB, the only high light today was that the Stalls went well(woke me up)006_laugh.gif.0f7b82c13a0ec29502c5fb56c616f069.gif...Even forgot my smple call outs:loopy:...And don't ask me where the "START BUTTON" was???



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Relax SB, we've all done that. Nothing seems to be coming together, then slowly all the skills start building in your subconscious, you've got more time to think, and things become routine.


No a good idea to start a lesson tired though, slows down you reaction time and makes it harder.


Good luck.



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Don't worry too much about it SB - as TP says, bit by bit things become routine so you just do them without thinking too much, that then leaves more time to focus on getting the next thing down pat.


And we all have down days, I had one today. Just when I thought I had pretty much conquered landings after my last lesson, today I couldn't land the bugger to save myself, all over the place! Partly due to gusty winds and having trouble getting a nicely stabilised approach, but even so I just couldn't get it together.


Bit like golf really, just when you think you've got it nailed it turns around and bites you in the bum!



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Guest Qwerty

Dont worry SB what TP & GK said is right. If I may offer some advice, Don't even turn up for a lesson tired, sick or even a bit hungover....that is what is refered to as a WOFTAM (waste of time and money), you will not learn much. I found during my ab-initio training that two lessons on the one day worked well. One lesson didnt seem to cut it somehow and three was overload. AND we all have crap days. I flew a mate's a/c on Saturday and stuffed one of the landings so badly...I couldn't believe it......ah well.



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Guest Mad Dave

Crikey! 4th lesson and bashing yourself up? I was flat out remembering which side of the plane to get in at that stage!


As the others have said you will have good and bad days, but it always seems to go the lesson after you have had a real shocker, you nail everything, so i wouldn't worry too much about it.



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Guest Redair

Yep... don't worry. I went through a phase well into my training where I was making the most awful hash-ups of landings... the more I tried the worse I felt I was getting. Another instructor, (not my usual one) saw what was happening and offered to offer some advice, (he didn't want to jump in and tell me what to do) but I said I was more than happy to listen... long story short, a couple of very simple observations on his part, and the solutions to the problems saw me getting confident again. Biggest trap seems to be, that if you stuff-up on one thing, don't tell yourself that you are going to stuff-up the next time you try it. OK, you made a mistake, you know it, so next time you know you can do better, you know you will do better.





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Guest studentbiggles

002_wave.gif.62d5c7a07e46b2ae47f4cd2e61a0c301.gif Thanks Boys for all your advice and encouragement, makes me feel a whole lot better:keen:......A lot more behind this saga, which I'll keep to myself, but a kept thinking about what our late patron of AWPA Dame Nancy must have gone through to reach her dream?.....But nothing is going to stop this little "Blonde Duck" from forfilling her dream of flying and owning my own little bird...Once again thankyou all, its nice to get some POSITIVE reaction from aviators in the know that have been there, done that..Cheers Studentbiggles 018_hug.gif.8f44196246785568c4ba31412287795a.gif



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