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x-air farry

Guest Neil Farr

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Guest Neil Farr

Hi.Have been flying for about three years and have two hundred hours up.Built an x-air two years ago and fly from Lake Keepit near Tamworth.:thumb_up:



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HI I started 3 years ago brought a second hand x-air and haven't looked back , added a large front wheel for the crap places i drop into after finding skinny tires and sand don't mix well.Theres a group of us at marion qld and drop ins are wellcome.





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Hi Guys & Gals. . . I, with a couple of friends. . . built an X'Air nine years ago, with the bluetop 582 engine, and this was bought from a widow whose husband had half built it. . . then died from pancreatic cancer without ever seeing his project completed. . . . we bought it as a club venture to help her out with funeral expenses, and that aircraft is still flying to this day. . . .it has had over 45 syndicate owners, who buy a share and fly it for a year or so, then go on to buy something else. . . .It isn't fast, it isn't sexy, BUT THE DAMN THING FLIES VERY WELL and is a nice, safe, delight to drive ! ! !


You'd have to REALLY TRY to hurt yourself flying an X'Air, as it just completely refuses to spin, no matter what you do to it on the final turn. . . After having flown several million odd hours flying all sorts of commercial aeronautical appliances, I have to be honest, I've never flown anything so benign or as user friendly as an X'Air. I call it the "NON-PILOT'S IDEAL AEROPLANE" You could train a deranged monkey to fly it safely,. . . not a brilliant advertisement, but I think you know what I'm getting at. It really IS one of the best primary training aeroplanes I have ever seen. . . almost impossible to hurt yourself, even if the instructor is half asleep. . . . and ideal to train pilots who, normally shouldn't be allowed into an airfield.


We tried our best to spin it during the test flights after build, but it just refused. This could possibly be described as a bad thing, as other aircraft designs will bite severely if abused in the manner that you can get away with easily in this type. . . nevertheless, it is a lovely, easy to fly plane, and it has trained many good pilots over the years that it has been available.





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This reads that you try to spin it turning finals or do I need to take more meds? I flew in an Xair Hanuman with a Jabiru engine, most impressed.

No,. . . ( ! ) I don't like the idea of trying to deliberately spin ANYTHING on final ! ! ! ! sorry if it read like that. The test pilot tried his best to spin it during the original test flight programme after we'd built it. I am referring to the Marque 1 X'Air by the way, not the later variants, I've got no flight experience in the later types.





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098_welcome.gif.81ff07d492568199326e4f64f78d7bc6.gif Neil.


There`s an X-Air with a Rotax 582 engine housed here on my property, belongs to a former student of mine, he was flying this morning,in fact. I`ve flown it several times, flies well and I think it is quite a good aircraft.





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