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Brisbane to Sydney in a Thruster.....


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Hello All,


Just thought see who'd done this trip before in a similar aircraft and if they have any advise.


My plan is to leave Watts Bridge on Thursday next week and head to Sydney Via,


Day 1 (Thursday) Watts Bridge, Boonah, Byron Bay and overnight in eigher ballina or Evans Head.


Day 2 (Friday) Evans head, Coffs Harbour, Port Mac and either overnight in Old Bar or Taree


Day 3 (Saturday) Taree, Maitland, Sommersby


I'll be trying to aviod as much tiger country as possible so any suggestions are appreciated most of the time I plan on staying over the beach and enjoying the view. I've flown Brissy to Sydney a fair few times just not normaly at 50kts!


If any of the forum members are going to be around any of those strips on those days come on over and say hello if you see a funny red winged rag a tube flying machine!





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I've done the opposite direction to YCAB in various trikes over the years. Kempsey might be a useful alternate to consider. Old Bar is a nice overnight stop. The worst tiger country is Gold Coast hinterland if you aren't or can't transit through Coolangatta CTR.


PM if you need more & have a great trip :-)





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I'll be trying to aviod as much tiger country as possible so any suggestions are appreciated most of the time I plan on staying over the beach and enjoying the view.


G`Day Adam,Looks like a great flight.


I don`t realy know how wide the beaches are down there or how high the tides are and you`re probably aware of this anyway, but as you`ve asked for suggestions,keep in mind that at high tide there may not be any suitable beach to land on in the event of an engine failure and the sand above the high tide mark is usually very soft.







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Sounds like a great trip Adam, all the best! I have no suggestions as I have not done the trip but would be interested in reading about it and your route when you get back.


Safe flying and good weather mate



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Hi Adam


On Sat morning there are usually a number of trikers around the Airborne hanger to the west of the main hanger, close to the highway ( behind Action Acrobatics ) near the DC3. Many are members here. Drop over, well maybe better to walk or taxi over and say Hi if we are there, and miss you.



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Thanks guys for the positive thoughts. Its a bloody long way in a 50kt aircraft! I'll see if I drop through maitland or not I have permission to land at Aeropelican so I might use that as a place for a leg streach instead of heading inland but I will wait and see how I feel on the day.


Does anyone know any contact details for Stewarts airfield 9 nm north of Coffs Harbour?





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