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Future Pilot

alf jessup

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Welcomed to the world at 10:07 am today 10 October 2009 my first granchild Blake Gregory Tatterson to my eldest daughter Melissa and her husband Matt.


Father is as pleased as punch, mother and son doing well and Nanna is a as happy as a pig in 088_censored.gif.2b71e8da9d295ba8f94b998d0f2420b4.gif.


Poppy is stoked and just aged 10 years in 1 day, 46 to 56.


Look forward to seeing them all on Tuesday when I get off the rig.


Just got to con Blakes dad into letting him come flying when he gets a bit older.




Poppy Alf.


(Yeah I know it dosen't sound right when your only 46)



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Hi Alf, Congratulations on the grandson. Hope you get the enjoyment I share with my 8yo g/son. I had him up flying by the time he was 2.5 with me (his mum tagged along of course). Just waiting to finish the rebuild on the Gazelle then we will be up again. Cheers John



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Well from one poppy to another Alf, congradulations mate, I have two grand-daughters, oldest one is only 4.5 and loves her poppy (or is it the planes) that is all she talks about when one flies overhead or when she gets to see me:gerg:



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Guest Maj Millard

Sometimes when I'm out with the 15 year old daughter, some 088_censored.gif.2b71e8da9d295ba8f94b998d0f2420b4.gif will say "got the grandaughter for the day, I see ? " GRRRRRRRRRR



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Sometimes when I'm out with the 15 year old daughter, some 088_censored.gif.2b71e8da9d295ba8f94b998d0f2420b4.gif will say "got the grandaughter for the day, I see ? " GRRRRRRRRRR

Haha! My youngest sister has been called my daughter on quite a few occasions, If I'm looking after her or something and in town!


What is worse though! is my Mum been called my wife!:ah_oh: either I look terribly Old or she looks very young, the later being most likely!:big_grin:



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