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Look what we found in Carnarvon!

Guest Brett Campany

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Guest Brett Campany

What a great little aircraft, I was really impressed. Stacks of room inside to. Can't remember what it was called, someone here will know!









Apologies for the quality, they were taken on my iPhone



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It looks like a Murphy to me. not sure if it the Rebel. My connection is throttled at the moment, so it is slow coming in. I saw a very similar or even the same plane at Bundy a couple of years ago with the Rotec engine. They look really nice.



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Guest drizzt1978

Id love to know how much fuel, PAX and luggage you can load before you are over the RAAUS legal limit, they are around 430kg (apparently) Empty.....


Doesn't leave much??



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C$25400 approx kit cost crated, then add freight, GST etc and it may look good but expensive. I have been looking at kits lately and the RV4 UA$16040. Not sure what the Canadian dollar is worth.



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Guest drizzt1978
C$25400 approx kit cost crated, then add freight, GST etc and it may look good but expensive. I have been looking at kits lately and the RV4 UA$16040. Not sure what the Canadian dollar is worth.

Im off to canada in 3 weeks and am following the canadian $$ closely


25400 =


25,877.09 AUD


ohh yeah cant wait to get there with .98 exchange rate!



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