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Goulburn to Nowra route ?

Guest Maj Millard

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Guest Maj Millard

I've been looking at the Goulburn to Nowra route on Google earth, and need some local knowledge please. I'd be doing it in a Lightwing. Would a route Goulburn-mossvale-Avoca Dam- Berry -Nowra be ok ?....would I need clear weather to fly that route ?. What sort of max elevation do I need to clear. Is there an airport or other suitable landing spots in the Mossvale, Bowral areas...I know theres one at Mittagong. Looks like a pretty good drop off just South of the Avoca dam ? Any help would be appreciated Thanks Maj.



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route i would take is YGLB, track sough of mittagong, over Moss Vale, there is an old deserted airfield there for safety, then track to Robertson, then YWOL, and head south towards Nowra. the area between Nowra and Goulburn direct is pretty rough tiger country. at least following this route there is plenty of options for forced landings.


other things to note, is Bowral is a critical area, and its common to have "cloud on ground" there all day. the area from Goulburn to the escarpment at Robertson is reasonably flat, but it is high. i think if my memory is correct, LSA is about 2800 or so. and YWOL is about 30Ft. as a result of the near vertical and high escarpment cliffs, flying at YWOL or anywhere coastal can get really bumpy. or reversed if its a strong easterly. it will be smooth over the coast, but rough as hell once over the highlands.


if you decide to track direct to Nowra from Fitzroy falls, then make sure you have plenty of height over Kangaroo Valley. there are plenty of cleared areas there, but not much of it is Flat.


i think Motzartmerv flies out of Jaspers brush, and he would know more of the local area than i do.



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Pretty much as Rob says Maj.


I did do the direct track a few weeks ago because of the cloud on ground at Bowral, and there are places which are not too flash. Tracking over the Kangaroo Valley will maximise the options though. You do need to stay north of the Shoalhaven river ravines, so head for Bundadoon, Marulan South, then YGLB. You have the Nowra military airspace to worry about too.


The Sydney VNC is a must.



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Guest Maj Millard

Thank you both for that info, will further check the Sydney VNC and touch base with Merv. Much appreciated ....................................................................................024_cool.gif.7a88a3168ebd868f5549631161e2b369.gif



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Guest Maj Millard

Just once again...looks like Goulburn-Mossvale-track S of Bowral to Robertson- then East over the edge to the coast, then south down the coast to Berry and Nowra. Is the strip at Mossvale NNE of town by the river ?....if not where ? Any thing around Robertson at all, that you know of ?.


Looks like a fun run with a bit of good weather, thanks again.....................................................024_cool.gif.7a88a3168ebd868f5549631161e2b369.gif



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g'day Major..


Sorry, been away for a while.


Robs route sounds good, although scooting from robertson direct to jaspers brush or berry will put you over the north eastern edge of the kangaroo valley. A lovely bit of country to see from the air.


I like 5500 ft for this section. Its not all tiger country, there are plenty of places to land, but a bit of height feels nice.


Are you going into Nowra??.. They are a bit funny about RAA and GA acft landing there. Your always welcome to tie down at Jaspers mate.


PM me and ill give you my numbers.





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Guest Maj Millard

Merv, thanks for that mate. Primarily going to Jaspers, any hangarage there at the moment that you know of ? (Lightwing) I would be working at Nowra for four months, and might be able to get my plane in there, if no hangarage at Jaspers. I would of course take the opportunity to do a lot of local flying during that time, on weekends. Cheers Ross



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Guest Maj Millard

Merv, it's not a done deal yet, was supposed to be starting before Xmas. I'm just doing a bit of Fwd planning, at the moment. I would love to come down that way for a bit. I skydived at Jaspers back in the 70s a couple of times. I'll let you know soon as I do. cheers Maj.



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it might be a bit difficult getting aircraft parking at Albartross, i inquired about keeping my Vampire there, i was told its strictly VH rego Only. if its VH, then contact the Aero club, the Aero club informed me to keep an aircraft with them, it must be online for them to use and hire.


though, if you have contacts, its possible, i have plenty of contacts at Williamtown, but sadly not many here yet. also here pussers hate Raafies. though there is a RV6 in the new 723 Sqn hangars. apparently its owned by the base commander.



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Guest Maj Millard

Thanks Ultralights, I'd probabily rather be at Jaspers anyway if it happens....lot less BS to go flying.....just need to get it out of the weather that's all.......................................024_cool.gif.7a88a3168ebd868f5549631161e2b369.gif



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