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Why you should use proper radio call syntax!!


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So I was shutting down the aircraft on sunday when I heard the following. A prime example of why you should ALWAYS start and finish with the airfield. Can't remember the actual calls but the gist is.


Aircraft 1 made a straight in approach call for runway 30 but part of the call was cut off by someone else.


Aircraft 2: "Aircraft on straight in approach how far out are you"


Aircraft 1: "1nm."


Aircraft 2: "I'm on final confirm you can see ... on final"


Aircraft 1: " Negative, cannot see you on final"


Some back and forward here for a minute.


Aircraft 3: "You two jokers do realise you are at different airports!!!"


My apologies if any of the parties are on here but a) good for a laugh as we can all make mistakes like this and b) I think is a good learning experience.


Both Caboolture and Caloundra are on the same frequency and both have a runway 30.



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Guest Brett Campany

Sounds just like Murray Field and Serpentine, both on 119.10 and both have RW's 09 & 05.


Can be quite confusing at times but also a bit of a giggle with some of the various conversations that go on!



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Not only poor syntax, but on Sunday I heard a helicopter at Gladstone giving such a garbled call that all I got was 28 for the runway direction. He was obviously displaying his command of the radio by rapid speech, but if I had been anywhere near his location I would have had to ask him to "say again" thereby cluttering up the frequency.



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Guest Maj Millard

One reason years ago the CRM(cockpit resource management, or whatever it is called now ) came about in the airline business, was an incident that caused a crash at the end of a runway.


During an aborted landing and go around attempt, the flying pilot called for "take-off power", the other pilot took off the power ! They don't use that term anymore..........................024_cool.gif.7a88a3168ebd868f5549631161e2b369.gif





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The thing I really hate is when two pilots decide to have their own little private conversation over the frequency...


There I am, making my way around the circuit, ready to make all the appropriate calls, and I can't (or have to wait until I'm nearly past where I should make the call) because there's these two idiots talking about what they're doing that arvo and what they're going to have for lunch! :raise_eyebrow:


I also dislike it when people crack it at each other over the radio (well, actually I find it pretty funny to listen to but think it's awfully unprofessional). Recently I was doing circuits and two pilots at Coldstream had a bit of an argument because one was on short final and was cut off (or nearly cut off) by the other (the one who was cut off was clearly in the "I hate RA-Aus" camp too, I didn't see why it was necessary to point out that the one who cut him off was an ultralight...)


Just the thoughts of a circuit-bashing student 024_cool.gif.7a88a3168ebd868f5549631161e2b369.gif



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The main thing i hate is pilots who for somew damn reason speak like they are being charged per second on the air, usually all i get is the airport they are using, northing else makes any sense and its not just me, plenty of complaits like this i hear from every where.


Just steady up and speak clearly PLEASE



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One reasonDuring an aborted landing and go around attempt, the flying pilot called for "take-off power", the other pilot took off the power ! They don't use that term anymore..........................024_cool.gif.7a88a3168ebd868f5549631161e2b369.gif



This is the line of the year... Should be in the humor section...011_clap.gif.c796ec930025ef6b94efb6b089d30b16.gif



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