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It Takes A Lot of Work to Fly This Badly


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Good Skll Demonstration.


Very good flying. So easy to misjudge those manoeuvers and it all goes pear shaped.


Those sort of things have good crowd appeal.


Royal Newcastle Aero Club used to have a Bill McCrohan. who would put on an act in a Tiger perporting to be a decrepit old pilot "Bent Strut", who would have to be helped to the aircraft wearing all the old flying gear,and would then proceed to fly in a manner that would suggest that he had no idea how to fly the thing. Always went over well with appropriate commentary to back it up. Bill was a very good pilot with "natural" ability and did this act with a skill that nobody attempted to better, or even do. He may still be around. He was at the last reunion of the ex Broadmeadow pilots that I got to. Nev



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Makes my landings look good. 006_laugh.gif.0f7b82c13a0ec29502c5fb56c616f069.gif006_laugh.gif.d4257c62d3c07cda468378b239946970.gif006_laugh.gif.0f7b82c13a0ec29502c5fb56c616f069.gifregards

I'm with you BigPete, now when my landings look like that, I can claim to be practicing :thumb_up:



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Guest Maj Millard

His father Jimmy franklin also did this act in a Kitfox, and of course flew the big silver and black Waco biplanes, one of which unfortunatly he was killed in. Good to see that the son is keeping the Franklin tradition going, and he's obviosly a great pilot also...................024_cool.gif.7a88a3168ebd868f5549631161e2b369.gif



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