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An 225 to visit Brisbane?


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Press are reporting that the "world's largest aircraft" will be visiting Brisbane this afternoon, I'm assuming they mean the An 225? Anyone got an idea as to what time she is due?


Of course I would go and remove my Canon from the car last night - point and shoot it is!



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Which purchase are you referring to Yenn, buying the Antonov or the NH-90? Australia has already purchased and is buildling the NH-90 for the Army (and already delivered the first couple), the "Naval" version of the NH-90 is likely to be purchased to replace the Seahawk...to maintain the same "common platform" approach taken previously with Blackhawk/Seahawk. Australia has also purchased the French Tiger attack chopper and Airbus A330 refueller amongst other non-US purchases.



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Guest Escadrille

The Eurocopter Tiger (EC665) is truly a superb product and along with the MRH 90 should serve us well for many years. 075_amazon.gif.0882093f126abdba732f442cccc04585.gif



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Guest Escadrille

The French are currently operating the Tiger in Theatre and it is performing very well. Neither aircraft is grounded at this time



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The NH-90 and the Tiger are not speced for the terrain where our guys are fighting. Hot and high ops and both these ships are grounded.

But are any of the competition any better for this sort of country (Afghanistan?)? Those are pretty extreme conditions.


I have a very interesting report by a test pilot who was involved in a program designed to integrate Western avionics and weapons with the Russian Hind attack helicopter and it was amazing just how limiting hot and high conditions are for what from the outside, appears to be a nearly invincible beast. I have several friends who met them in combat and claim to still have nightmares about the experience!



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Huh? You obviously don't live near Townsville, Darwin, oakey or Brisbane because you would see these birds flying at various daily. Jump on janes and compare the NH90 to the fully optioned blackhawks (the nh90 has most options standard) and you will findit has more power, range and space. No chopper is good at everything but these two are pretty slick machines!



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yes, the advertising says the French are operating 3 tigers in country in the Ghan. Deploying at full weight in 35C conditions...however, read between the lines and they are fire support for the Gazzelles deployed to hit hard targets. Pretty expensive Kiowa for support on a French Bushranger.


Sounds like the fuel armament mix doesn't include similar arms to what Australia wishes to carry into battle...Fletchette missiles are not Hellfires.



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Just a quick note guys. The NH-90 is the naval version. We've already bought MRH 90's for the Army. Slight difference.


The MRH-90 looks like a good chopper. I wouldn't complain if I get to fly one of them instead of a blackhawk.



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Guest mike_perth

Like to know were the other two engines on the aircraft??


The news report says "the six engined AN124" !! Good reporting skills yet again



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