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Thanks Ian..............

Guest Maj Millard

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Guest Maj Millard

IAN, I for one would like to thank you, and any others concerned for your work so far on the RAAus board. It's obvious that getting the so called 'Secrecy clause' thrown out, has changed a lot in respect to what, we the members, have quick access to...as it should be, and should always have been !.


Your most recent postings on the Feb 10 board meeting is information that I have read with much interest. The members are no longer stumbling around in the dark, and now know what is going on, in a timely manner. Keep up the great work by representing us, and reporting back to us...................................................Maj...024_cool.gif.7a88a3168ebd868f5549631161e2b369.gif :thumb_up:



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Guest ozzie

Ditto on your comments Major!The next step would be to have all the minutes of every meeting from day 1 scanned and put on the website.



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Hear, Hear!


As a RAAus member who was feeling a bit disengaged - the forums have certainly given me a better insight into the new RAAus and where Recreational pilots and aircraft are going. Enjoying the RecFlying site too.


Thank you Ian



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In my limited time in RAA it is nice to hear something even if it is not all want you want. The previous policy which seemed to be "keep them in the dark and feed them B...s..." made a few that can add 2+2 and get 4, 2 out of 3 times a little irritated.


Please Ian keep on the quest to let the "great unwashed" informed as some of us think that we, the members ARE RAA...even if that idea is strange in the ACT halls of power!



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