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Favorite Aircraft?


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The F-22 Raptor, obviously. If it wasnt such a failure of funding (not that I care about what the US spends it money on), or needed 30 hours maintenance for every hour of flight.. It looks like it was ripped straight from a game.



I'm also a big fan of the F35 lightning II ~ its VTOL if you didnt know ^_-



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I've got so many favorites, it's hard to pick!


Cessna Caravan is a nice machine. Though I'm sure there are others, but this is one type I've worked on, and been in, and like!







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Guest Maj Millard

Tomo, The more you hang around Caravans the more they'll grow on you. We have FED EX to thank for them, as they financed the initial Cessna production of the Caravan....Maj..024_cool.gif.7a88a3168ebd868f5549631161e2b369.gif



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Guest ozzie

Mine is the DHC6 Twin Otter 300/320 series. Built like the proverbial and one of the most versitile aircraft produced. You find them in every climate on land water and skies. Fun to fly too!



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Guest check-in

The DC3. Sheer poetry. An aeroplane that still looks right, sounds right, flies right and lands right. The love of my (aviation) life.


If it was possible to turn back time I would forgo all the aeroplanes I have flown since to be flying it again.



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Guest ozzie

The Fletcher i cut a heap of corrosion out of one years ago had a Lycoming 8 cyl.


The Cresco had the turbine. There is a newer version the PAC 750XL also a turbine.


they can all lift a reasonable load but the Cresco and the newer XL i have jumped from are very average IE disapointing when it comes to climb rate.





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The F-22 Raptor, obviously


Well, well, well. I'll be damned. Attached is the latest version of the Eagle-Ray I'm working on. Interesting similarity, what!


Now, why does the Raptor need a tailplane, and mine doesn't? I know, do you?





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This is easy, the plane that I fell in love with and generated the desire to fly..


The Boomerang


The beauty the wonder.. ahh if only I could fly one one day....


Love the sound...







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The Cresco I worked on the other day seemed to go alright, climb rate well over 2000ft min, that was empty though. Had the PT6 Turbine.



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Guest Sharp End

Easy... Tornado GR1A with the 103 engines. Could do it all... 100ft, 600kts, IMC at night anyone? In formation! 037_yikes.gif.f44636559f7f2c4c52637b7ff2322907.gif



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Well, well, well. I'll be damned. Attached is the latest version of the Eagle-Ray I'm working on. Interesting similarity, what!Now, why does the Raptor need a tailplane, and mine doesn't? I know, do you?

After much thought I cant say I do.. Because you dont have room for a tailplane? : P



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This was intended as a general question to all. Since no-one else spoke up, I'll assume none of you know.


A delta wing, modified or not, uses a symmetrical airfoil as it is pitch stable, ie Vulcan Bomber. Any non-symmetrical airfoil must have a tail plane to keep the pitch under control.(Excluding Flying wings in that statement) The Raptor is a fighter and needs to be agile so it has to have a non-sym airfoil to be able to pull off high changes in AoA without bleeding off speed. You can't perform aero's in a delta winged aircraft. I can't explain the theory but it's all to do with the movement of CoG and CP(center of pressure/lift) at various AoA's. If you look at some of the sites available, Delta wing theory is very, very complex and is more aligned to high speed, very high altitude machines.



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Guest Sharp End



The Mirage III does beautiful aerobatics - uses a lot of sky, but does them neverthless.





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This is easy, the plane that I fell in love with and generated the desire to fly..The Boomerang


The beauty the wonder.. ahh if only I could fly one one day....


Love the sound...



It's a beautiful aircraft allright. I was lucky enough to go and see this very aircraft while Mike was building it. It's now down in Temora isn't it?



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Civilian? The DC-10, series 30.


An airframe so strong you'd swear it was chiselled out of solid granite.


Three of the most tractable, smooth-running and surge-proof high-bypass turbofans ever created, the mighty GE CF6s.


One of the widest flight-decks (especially compared to the 747) with an unparalleled view straight down from the Captains's shoulder, and a third crew-member on the flight-deck for those long legs when "I spy" or "20 Questions" is all that keeps aircrew awake.


Truly one of the greats of commercial aviation, and likely to see nearly 60 years of service with Fedex, haulin' freight. IMHO only the DC-3 beats it for toughness and durability - another Douglas product.


Mil stuff? The SR-71, no contest. Nothing today comes even close, yet it was designed and built in the 60s! "The Lead-Sled". The "Hammers Of Hell". "Habu". Engines that truly suck - at Mach 3, no less. An aircraft so immensely capable for its task that the satellite surveillance lobby deliberately killed it off because it was a threat to them. Gotta love that aircraft and dip your hat to the gents at the Skunk Works who built it. Kelly Johnson, you were a genius.



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