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The easiest procedure to lodge and manage SAR times up thru the centre


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The easiest procedure to lodge and manage SAR times up thru the centre?????


Apologies if this has been done before, but I have searched previous threads as much as I can before asking:


1 Can anyone suggest the best and simplest & most proven way to lodge SAR times when travelling around the Centre and using occasional remote strips?


2 And I have asked before ...... but does Flighwatch still operate everywhere the frequencies are shown on the charts?


Regards Geoff



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Good question Captain. The method I use is not foolproof due to mobile coverage. Finding a responsible person in a remote area is difficult too I guess.


Airservices, flight plan with SAR lodged through NAIPS would be the go I reckon.


I had radio coverage all the way, Melb Centre, then Alice, so that would be my preference.


Looking forward to replies to your post as there must be heaps of experienced pilots with this knowledge that can help.





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I fly extensively in remote areas through the Kimberly ,Qld to Broken Hill. Nine times out of ten I lodge a SARTIME direct on 1800814931.You can also do it through flightwatch on 1800801960. Occasionaly I do it airbourne on the area frequency if no phone sevice is available berfore departue. Another option is with the briefing officer on 18008055150







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Geoff,Forgot to mention .Go to web site , airserviesaustralia.com. and type in "sartime" in the search and it will bring up a fact sheet and other good info for you.



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Geoff,Forgot to mention .Go to web site , airserviesaustralia.com. and type in "sartime" in the search and it will bring up a fact sheet and other good info for you.

Thanks Bruce,


Your 2 posts are a big help and that SARTIME Management Fact Sheet is great. I searched their site originally but used "SAR Time" instead of the one word.


What is their attitude to SARTIME being nominated over the area frequency? Is is well accepted or discouraged?


Regards Geoff



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Geoff, whilst it is not their prefered method of notification, provided they re not buzy


and you give a quick explanation like no telephone sevice or similair they have always been helpfull.





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