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Posts posted by slartibartfast

  1. Hi Tony.


    Didn't really think I had much to contribute, but if you really want my view ....


    Yes. History is very important. This aircraft is obviously a big part of ultralight development world-wide. It is significant because of that, but more significant to us because it is Australian and represents the contributions made in this country to aviation. With people like Lawrence Hargrave, John Duigan, Bill Moyes, Sir Ross Smith, Herbert Hinkler, the world's first commercial airline, etc., that contribution is considerable.


    It is within our power (and nobody else's) to restore and preserve at least this small part of that legacy, so we should.


    One doesn't have to think very hard to recall an example of something of historical significance which was not preserved because the people of the time were too close to foresee its value to future generations.


    We should act.





  2. As I am learning... time to solo seems to be governed significantly by the weather... I am currently getting lots of great experience in the cct at YTDN in strong crosswinds (10+ kts) but until I happen to get down there on a calm day I won't be going solo...

    That was happening to me until PaulN made me realize that I could get up at 3:30am, drive the 1.3 hours to YCOM, get 2 hours flying in, and still get to work at a reasonable hour. I have loved the early morning flying. Smooth. Spectacular. Still.


    This morning I got 2.6 hours in which has put me at 20 hours with 6 solo. My instructor says I'm ready, so I'm quite excited.


    I highly recommend getting some early mornings in if your instructor is as obliging as mine.





  3. Welcome sain. Glad you could join us.


    I'm in just down the road in Canberra, but do my flying out of Cooma. It's about the same time either way. I'd like to drop in for a visit some day.


    If you have enjoyed the Guess the Airstrip thread, it must be your turn to post one.


    Jump on in.





  4. I had a great day's flying today.


    Cooma was a lot busier than usual with a contingent of fire bombers and ground support. Here's some photos showing the Air Tractors and a Jet Ranger. You can see the smoke in the air. Got down to about 10k in the arvo.


    We flew to Adaminaby to keep out of their way, although they were cool with our ops and very professional.


    I needed some rough air short field modified circuit practice anyway :;)6:





















  5. ;) It was an absolute blast Paul 011_clap.gif.c796ec930025ef6b94efb6b089d30b16.gif- and thanks again for the ride.


    You're right, I am now sold on both the CT and the Bose X.


    I couldn't believe how loud the noise level in the cockpit was when I had an exploratory ear-peek. The headset made it sound very peaceful and restive. I thought it must be the great ear cups giving lots of passive protection - until we turned the ANR off. It is amazing what a difference it makes.


    To all, I'm looking very hard for a Bose X headset now. Any suggestions?


    If I were to locate a set described as "factory reconditioned" should I go for it?


    I'm also looking for the money for a CT. Any donations? 018_hug.gif.8f44196246785568c4ba31412287795a.gif





  6. Thanks for the link JohnProp. PocketFMS looks to be exactly what I was looking for.


    I have downloaded the PC part and had a quick play.


    Chris, when I've had a good look and have more time I will provide some more info on how it works. Basically though, you fire it up on your PC, download all the area data and weather data, put together a flight plan, submit it if desired, download everything to your PDA and go flying! Seems to have at least 90% of everything a dedicated flight GPS has, but much cheaper, easier to manage and more versatile.


    The software is free too - but you get a better way of downloading the area data and keeping up to date it you donate.


    More later. Gotta get some sleep to get to Cooma by 5:30am.


    Wouldn't be dead for quids.





  7. Oh yeah - that's what I meant to do. The web address.


    The slarti is for my car only. Feel free to make one with your name 006_laugh.gif.0f7b82c13a0ec29502c5fb56c616f069.gif


    Try this. Unfortunately I don't have anything like the font you used installed ATM. Probably something on a disk somewhere.




    PS - I'm posting in this thread 'coz this is where we talked about it. Didn't seem worth a new thread. I don't mean to hijack.





  8. I prefer number 3 too. Perhaps with some subtle flowing lines on her boots too - tying rear and front wheels into the same flowing lines.


    Love the logo. I was thinking of a Recreational Flying sticker on my rear car window. Mind if I do a mock-up and post a pic here?





  9. Will do Chris.


    PDAs with a GPS either built in like mine, or attached by cable or (more frequently these days) wireless via bluetooth, have all the same hardware and processing abilities of dedicated Flight Nav stuff. It generally comes down to the software, the screen size and visibility, and the number of dedicated buttons for ease of use. Mine is touch-screen, so the buttons are mainly virtual (on screen).


    When I do the complete eval, I'll post my findings and opinions here.


    Now off to bed because I am off to Cooma at 4:00am again.


    I love this early morning flying routine.


    Coming PaulN?





  10. Hi Chaz and welcome.


    Thanks for the info.


    I have a Mitac Mio PDA running CoPilot (ironically street level nav only) which I leave in the car all the time. I was thinking about using it in the air, but probably just as a backup to a dedicated flight GPS.


    I played with OziEx and some other moving map software when I went to Sth America because I could not get CoPilot maps for that continent. I scanned and converted some maps, but in the end I didn't really use it because I didn't drive as much as I thought I was going to (buses are great in Brasil and Argentina, and the roads are crazy).


    When I start XC training soon, I will evaluate it against a flight GPS and make a (eventually informed) decision on what I want.


    Thanks for the links - I will check out OziExplorer again in the air.





  11. Ian - that sounds great and still within the principles of the site. The problem for me is that I won't be able to get to Avalon, but I would still like to help out one way or another.


    This site is very valuable to me in my fledgling foray into powered flight.


    Geoff, I'm sure someone is going by road from up this way. Wagga is a minor detour. Great offer.





  12. what can you do when your excited that your flying but express it!

    Welcome Tristan.


    I found having the intercom on so you can hear yourself going "woohoo!" is incredibly expressive - even though noone else can hear it.





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