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Posts posted by slartibartfast

  1. OK - in anticipation of the next stage of the dream (XC), I want to start putting together my flight bag.


    Been looking at leather satchel thingies with room for charts, E6B, pens and chinagraphs, undies and toothbrush - but I need input from you guys and gals.


    Just how big is your flight bag? What type is it? What do you carry in it? Does it double as a knee board?


    Additionally, what do you use to plan XC flights? Completely manual using WACs and flight computers? Software like AirNav? Rely completely on GPS?


    I'm very interested in as many of your styles and secrets as you care to share.





  2. Sounds great. Assuming there is a wifi connection available to the internet, perhaps a laptop or 3 on batteries could demo the site if there is no power.


    As one goes flat, power up the next one and take the flat one to a friendly powered tent nearby for a recharge.


    You could also advertise the shop quietly and suggest people go there from the comfort of home.





  3. I live in the southern suburbs, so half-way there already.


    I'm allowing for a 90kmh limit on this trip coz the 'roos will be everywhere.


    Sunday is looking like a no-fly the way the weather is shaping up, that's why I'm keen to go straight back now.


    Better get that coffee and hit the road. The sky beckons....018_hug.gif.8f44196246785568c4ba31412287795a.gif



  4. Early AM training and back to work by 0930? Why not? You just have to get used to driving out of ACT around 0445 and dodge the roos en route :;)4: . But hey, no sacrifice is too great for flying ;) .Paul

    Well I went to Cooma this evening because all looked great, but the sea breeze made it after all and pushed the cross-wind to 20 knots. I missed out again! So I have decided that mornings are a better bet and I'm making the trek again in the morning. In fact I'd better get to bed now so I'll be able to see the roos. Aiming for 4:00am depart to be airborne by 5:30. See you there maybe.


    Oh - and thanks for making me think about it. Great idea! 011_clap.gif.c796ec930025ef6b94efb6b089d30b16.gif



  5. Well said Geoff.


    If crowds are going to be heading that way then it would be worth going ahead, but I was also concerned about your out-of-pocket exposure Ian.


    There should be limits to your financial dedication to this site, after all - you have a family to support now (I mean the CT, but I guess there are people too).


    I know you have said the forum members should never have to pay, but this would be a voluntary donation.


    I'm in.



  6. Awesome Paul.


    Great photo - looks like there's a little more water in Eucumbene.


    You've made me think. If I can be back on the ground by 8:00 I can still get to work by 30. Not too late. Could be the go.


    I'm still hoping it will be good tonight. Almost all my training so far has been turbulent. At least when I have smooth air my control is good.


    Sunday could be a goer - see you there.





  7. The 28/12 one was too easy - so I left it. Holbrook.


    Today's can only be Cabramurra. The highest in the country.


    "Warning: Hazardous Wind Shear"


    Wish I had my XC so I could add a few photos, instead of guessing all those from lucky beeps like you Paul.





  8. Ah - fairy snuff.


    I should have blocked out the Jab before posting. It's there for my pleasure only. Thanks again for sending it to me. I forgot to ask Adrian if I can use it as my avatar - so I haven't yet.


    I also asked the question to make sure my prog is reporting correctly (and the BoM, and the AWS).


    We are spoiled having more than 2km of runway to play with 018_hug.gif.8f44196246785568c4ba31412287795a.gif





  9. Paul, I was wondering...


    That last shot seems to show an RPT (or something biggish) coming in on 18, but according to this program I wrote [ATTACH]577[/ATTACH] which shows me all the obs from YCOM constantly refreshing on my desktop, it was NE to N all morning. Que pasa? Which did you use?


    I ask to further my training.





  10. Now that sucks. Does that theory explain how they could be visible for a while and then disappear? Do you need more testing before you wade into all that work? Any way I can help?


    Galpin, I suspect HTML code is turned off globally because it can be messy and dangerous to allow on forums. BTW - I have relatives in your neck of the woods. My dad grew up in Hopetoun and my gran still lives there. I'm sure there are some in Horsham.





  11. Still missing for me Ian. It was the same at work.


    Where there were thumbnails or full size images, there is now space.


    I'll do some more poking.....


    Ian - cleared cache and cookies and still no images.


    Double edit: tried IE6 (found it somewhere on PC) and still no images.


    Houston - we have a problem.


    Bug in the php?



  12. I actually used this one during a speech I had to give for my father's 70th birthday.


    I loved it then, I love it now.


    It's all in the way you tell it :clown:


    BTW: I padded it out with a whole lot of crap about how the frog became Mick Jagger's son.


    Made them sit for decaminutes.



  13. Ian will fix it when he gets in. He must be out or he already would have.


    According to the page source, the calls to the server page which handles it (attachment.php) are still there, so something is wrong server-side.


    Upshot - don't repost them until Ian has a look.


    Instead, post some more shots after he fixes it Paul. They were great.





  14. Now that looks like an awesome trip Paul. Thanks for sharing.


    Great that you have your wings back. It must have nearly killed you being grounded for so long.


    I missed you again at YCOM yesterday. Adrian and I got some T&Gs in from 18:45 before some approaching squalls made the ground a more advisable place to be.


    Got any more pics (now that you've worked out how to post them)?





  15. They look a whole lot better (and go faster) with the wheel fairings on but Adrian has to keep them off because students like me break them.


    Thanks for the shots Paul. That's my dream way to spend a day. Hopefully I will soon.




    PS - I have other dream ways to spend a day, but this one can be published.



  16. Approaching Tocumwal at about 1500' heading 225.


    I love google earth.


    How was it Paul? Good trip?


    I nearly bent the Jab on Sunday after promising you I wouldn't.


    Learned all about PIO (Pilot Induced Oscillation) on landing.


    Bloody tough airplane!



  17. That's the one. I flew in to Kai Tak many times.


    You could actually look down the right wing and see what people were watching on their TVs.


    An Air China (I think) flight overshot the runway and parked itself in Kowloon Bay once, and they forced them to blow it up to restore the safety margins. They weren't allowed the time to salvage.


    I believe it was the same airline which parked a plane upside down next to the main runway in the 1st week of operation of the new HK airport (Chep Lap Kok). Caught by rotor off the top of Lantau island I believe. Provided a lesson for everyone else.


    I flew on Air China a few times. The hostesses strap themselves in tight and don't get up unless you are adding to the ambient danger level. And then only to slap you and sit down again.


    Ah memories...



  18. Yes Darren - there is still a free version, but they do try to make it look like there isn't so you will upgrade.


    I have updated 3 or 4 PCs in the last couple of weeks, and each time it took me a while to locate the link to the free download even though I had found it before (I swear they kept moving it).


    I highly recommend AVG Free to those who haven't tried it.


    I have had PCs where commercial software had been running and reporting nothing, but when I installed AVG bad things were found.




    (happy to post help on IT matters while I have no skill or knowledge worth contributing on aviation matters)



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