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Student Pilot

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Posts posted by Student Pilot

  1. 19 hours ago, KRviator said:

    I would say no, for the simple reason there's no reason for them to have been marked previously. It's not really a navigable waterway, there's no runway nearby, and they're not higher than, or close to, that magic 500AGL such as crossing a valley or gap in the hills.

    From what @kgwilson indicates though, they're marked now, but that seems to be a common theme when a powerline is struck, simply to avoid any liability should they be struck a second time.

    There are ag strips along the river that used to be used regularly, there was also a Jetranger that struck a line and crashed there about 20+ years ago.

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  2. 5 minutes ago, turboplanner said:

    Too many stories here to make any sense of what should happen, so I'd recommend that if you aren't certain you talk to a DAME. I could be well worth the cost of a consultation.


    What a great idea! My DAME has no clue why CASA make the demands they do. His last question to CASA as to why still goes unanswered. I don't think some of you know what is involved in a medical. If you live in a rural area with little or no net coverage you can't even log onto the CASA portal to do the pre medical questionnaire. Well you can but it keeps timing out. Any other tests required you have to go to a major regional or capital city to access specialists. Those same highly regarded specialists CASA then ignore and do their own diagnosis. What is the good of getting a leader in the particular field of medicine make a report giving you the all clear then only to have CASA ignore it. 
    DAMEs are getting harder to find, they are leaving the CASA system because it's getting too hard.


    Turbo, you seem to be a CASA apologist, are you employed by CASA as a consultant to defend them?
    Do you do a class one medical?
    If so how long does it take to get your class one medical issued by CASA after you see a DAME?
    How many pilots over 45 do you know who get a medical issued immediately after the DAME signing your medical OK?
    Do you think 4 months is a reasonable time to get a decision from CASA when the medical only goes for 12 months?

    Why any delay?
    How many licences are processed a year by how many people?

    DAMEs are not the problem, never have been.


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  3. Lets get away from the highly legalese, blame shifting and culpability side of CASA's incompetence.

    If a DAME issues a medical, why is that medical totally safe for four months but after that you are unsafe till the CASA "specialists" peruse your data? Surely if you are that unsafe why is it safe to continue flying for 4 months!!!!!


    How many more pilots are there in the system compared to 20 yers ago? How many more staff is in the CASA medical department compared to 20 years ago?



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  4. 2 minutes ago, facthunter said:

    Not necessarily in command of a wide bodied aircraft. You need to get rid of the I'M INVINCIBLE bit that fighter pilots have and the" I Know I'm gunna die flying THIS Bomber with the ODDS I'm facing but it's MY DUTY to my Country" stuff to It's a JOB and I want to live to get my super and the best way to do that is not be a Jerk and stick my neck out flying on near empty Tanks through Cumulo Nimbus clouds and HAIL. etc. Nev

    That attitude is encouraged by some employers 

  5. 54 minutes ago, Garfly said:
    I believe this is the relevant rule in the US:
    § 91.119 Minimum safe altitudes: General.
    (c) Over other than congested areas. An altitude of 500 feet above the surface, except over open water or sparsely populated areas. In those cases, the aircraft may not be operated closer than 500 feet to any person, vessel, vehicle, or structure.  ///  .....  etc.






    Good afternoon Captain Garry. How many words does it take the relevant Australian rule/law/ regulation to say the same thing? Are the legal consequences similar in both countries?  I can't be bothered looking it up I am enjoying the day too much.

  6. 21 hours ago, turboplanner said:


    If CASA stuck to printing the rules in plain English and left the legal phrases to the lawyers, a lot more people would know what the current rules are.


    If they explained why the rule existed, with examples of how many people had been inkured/killed trying that particular stunt, a lot more people would know safe conduct from reckless conduct.


    Wholeheartedly agree but that is much too simple for CASA, why put something in 50 words when you can use 5000 along with penalty points and punishment for non compliance.

    There is no hope, CASA will only be happy when no GA aircraft are flying only then will flying be safe. 45 years flying for a living and dealing with CASA has just got worse and worse, CASA is to be avoided at all costs.

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  7. Depends who you talked to about the Go300 Nev, I know 3 people who used to own 175's and speak highly of them. The main problem I have read about with them was operator induced by not running with enough revs. Pilots were used to running low to mid 2000's, the GO300 was made to run harder at low 3000's. Those that thought they knew better ran them too slow causing problems. The only valid complaint I've seen is the cost to overhaul the 6 cyl Continentals. 




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  8. GSIO 480/540, Tiara and GO300 continental are examples of geared engines in production and use, not the last few years but were used extensively. There are all sorts of old wives tails of gearbox's and the use there of. I think Rotax and PT6 engines have proven they are not a problem.

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  9. On 10/5/2023 at 10:50 AM, Ben said:

    Look at these Big businesses, even bragging about their milestones. 




    What I really don't understand is, how can non-aviation big businesses have access to long term leases, whereas aviation businesses cannot, even when it is based on an airport?! 


    What will the big businesses do when they eventually drive out the flight schools and lose that revenue stream? They'll be left with 3 dead runways.  

    There will be more ground to lease when the runways are closed. Bankstown has already ceased to be a general aviation airfield. There might be "movements" but that doesn't equate to a vibrant facility available to the public. It's only a matter of time, between greedy developers and an incompetent tone deaf regulator, GA is on a downward spiral. No matter how some try to justify the greedy antics and developer destruction of an airfield it is happening and it will destroy Bankstown as a GA airfield. Manipulation of statistics aside.

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  10. As RF Guy said it's as complicated as you want it. I have always flown A to B in a straight line, Oz runways works for me. I declutter the screen and only use a small percentage of it's capacity, good for basic navigation and radio frequencies. 

    It does stay workable when the signals limited or being disrupted. Certified GPS drop out, Foreflight keeps going a bit longer but Oz runways keeps going. 

  11. Seems legal jeopardy has grown exponentially in the last 20 years or so and that's impacted everything from children's playgrounds to insurance costs. Seems no answer apart from making legal the main requirement to everything you do. Legals make up the biggest cost with the likes of class actions, the aggrieved get a tiny percentage of the payout, the majority goes to law firms. 

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  12. 1 hour ago, rgmwa said:

    To go back to the original question, the Truth is still out there because despite all the sightings over the years, both credible and otherwise, we are still none the wiser.

    I also don't think the US Government has a captured flying saucer locked away in Area 51, or they wouldn't have spent a fortune on the F35. Or if they do have one, they obviously don't know how it works.

    Maybe they have and those sightings by fighters in the States were their own machines? They were in a military restricted area. The speed and maneuverability of those things sighted is way beyond our current (public) knowledge. There has to be more the military aren't telling us, look at the F117 it was flying for 10 years before made public? As an example scram technology is 30 years old at a guess? How far has that progressed?

  13. 8 hours ago, octave said:

    My question would be where are the good-quality pictures or video? in an age where we all carry a reasonable camera (in our phone) around with us.   Whilst it is true that it may be difficult for most people to think to photograph or video a short-lived event out of the huge population you would think that there would be more than a few grainy ill-defined pictures.


    last night in Melbourne some space junk re-entered the atmosphere.  This event was unexpected and short-lived yet there were loads of fairly sharp photos and videos.




    It is reasonable to believe that in the past photographic evidence would be rare but today with good-quality phone cameras, dash cams CCTV, etc. it is hard to understand why there doesn't seem to be any reasonable quality images.




    In my case it was before mobile phones and although I used to carry a camera I was amazed at what I was seeing and didn't think about pictures. What would you suggest my sighting was, swampgas? Only a year or so ago the subject came up of UFO's or stuff we couldn't explain with a few friends. I was reserved and didn't say anything about my experience, my friend told a story about a sphere or silver orb going at a terrific speed through the bush. I then told him about what my wife and I saw. His sighting was over 1,000nm from where saw the bright globe and a few years difference. I have no idea or any theory on what I saw. 

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  14. About 30ish years ago I saw what looked like a landing light headed to the airfield (it was just on dusk), I was a pax in a car that my wife was driving. The light got bigger and brighter as it got closer, the light became a silver (chrome or mercury appearance) sphere. It was hard to tell what size the thing was, as it got even closer it went below the level of the horizon as we were in a valley/gully, you could see it against the background and appeared to be a couple of hundred feet high. The speed was hard to guess but I'd say a fast aircraft. The silver ball went passed us (guessing 200m away) and looked then to be only about a metre across, I have no real idea about distance and size. We stopped the car to watch it. The globe then looked to climb to a point about 500 feet above the airfield and appeared to hover for about 10 seconds then went straight up. The track went into a silver blur as it disapeared out of sight in what seemed like a second. The thing tracked the same direction from first sighting it till it went vertical, the direction was west. From first sight to disappearing I'd guess at 5 miles and it took about a minute maybe two at the most.

    I have spent a bit of time both in the air and on the ground in the bush and remote areas, I never seen anything since like it. One of the pilots I used to work with said he had seen a very big rotating cylinder in an area that used to have a few night sightings of strange lights in the 60's and 70's.


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