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Posts posted by Camel

  1. Hi and welcome Curly, from yet another happy Jab owner a little to your north in sunny Qld.All the best as you progress towards your RPC. And during your training, don't forget to have fun!

    What you have said is the key word for all ! " don't forget to have fun" !



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  2. There was also a Eurostar that encountered a storm in Europe and suffered structural failure, the Sportstar in WA was constant overload I believe ! Not the fault of the aircraft ! I believe these two happened the same year ! The Sportstar is a wonderful plane to fly and tempting to push the limits ! I owned one for many years and loved it !



  3. Both of the deceased were personal friends to me and without digging into the Coroner's report, engine failure wasn't the cause of that double fatality in the Julimar Forest. It was assessed that the aircraft broke up at altitude as a result of accumulated undue airframe stress. As you pointed out, in that instance, the dice had been rolled once too often by two experienced pilots.

    What sort of aircraft was this ? I remember reading about a structural failure in a low wing LSA . If so I understand what you are saying about the dice being rolled ! I have been called a " Whooss" by many, a couple are no longer due to taking risks, when you take a risk or over stress a plane there becomes a chance that an accident will occur but it becomes a point where it is not an accident but intentional, it gets serious if you push too far !



  4. Surely, this refers to Gen 2 engines, the Gen 3 is the new 'Chinese' engine.

    Oscar ! Gen 1 is solid lififter Gen 2 is thin Heads hydrauliclic , Gen 3 is roller cam follower with hydraulic , thin Heads and 7/16 through bolts Gen 4 is the latest ! Roller cam followers, cast heads, Nicosil type alloy cylinders, cast heads !


    I think they have covered some ground and are doing alright but they could do better and they could communicate a little better too ! Not perfect but not that bad either ! I'm a fan of air cooled direct drive and think they are the best choice treated right ! I have a gen 2 and am happy with it..!



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  5. Because the general public didn't know Hanson and Ashby had a Jabiru until it was on 4 corners. Its not like Hanson is flying food into farmers standed by a flood. If you can't see the difference between these two sorts of events then maybe you should consider why that is.

    I knew she had the plane long ago and saw the one nation sign on it ! No matter what ! she is promoting travel by a sport aviation aircraft and it should be commended ! You just don't like her and that's not a reason to be bring her into disrepute flying an Australian made sport aircraft ! If you have other reasons tell someone who cares !



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  6. I beg your pardon contributors,but... I am no closer to understanding what Kaz meant by her cryptic post. Can't believe that we are running a secret society here.

    I'm going to guess and I'm confident that it is Hours Total Time Since New. TT is usually total time S is since and usual o overhaul, M maintenance,


    Be interested if I am correct ! 29 hours Total Time Since New sound unbelievable.



  7. As they say you, are entitled to your own beliefs but not your own FACTS. THAT "Study" was a poor attempt after the act, to justify rushing in to fix something they panicked into reacting to without actually knowing what was the extent or real nature of the problem they had effectively grounded Jabiru aircraft for, or the standard they were requiring aircraft engines with jabiru's name on them to meet.. A dark day indeed for owners and schools using them as well as sinking CAMit completely. No one has been prosecuted and no crimes were uncovered. Now there's no parts for various versions of the engine. CASA's reputation continues to go down the gurgler, and it's regarded by most of the GA industry as an ongoing disaster. Nev

    The culprits for this disgraceful behaviour should have been dealt with ! but they are still there and have gotten away with it and still able to do more damage ! Australia is not the lucky country any more ! Remember the bomerang logo "Made in Australia" seen it lately ? , Jabiru WAS a very successful Australian aviation business !



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  8. I operate a Lyc O235 with a TBO of 2400 hrs, this is a very under stressed low revving engine, there in lies the reliability hence I chose not to sit behind a Jab motor, personal choice.

    (Play the topic not the person...if you have a problem with the person do so privately, not here....mod)



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  9. While not knowing the exact details on what happened, if you end up in inadvertent IMC for goodness sake call ATC, you would be surprised how much we can help and sometimes it can just be because you have the calm voice talking to you which prevents poor decisions. We also have some very qualified pilots working as ATC who can help out. On the same day this unfortunate accident happened another pilot got caught in IMC just near Evans head, and he called ATC for assistance. He is now home alive with his family, that's how big a difference it can make.I really don't quite understand the aversion to asking for help, yes you may get some paperwork but that is a much more pleasant outcome. And no matter how busy the controller seems, call up, the controllers will make you the new priority one.

    So true, I go caught unable to continue a flight in VMC and was near Canberra and called and got immediate assistance, was told to sqwark ident and confirmed I was on radar, continue alt and heading, cleared to land at will once runway was sighted, it prevented me entering IMC and if I had delayed any longer I would have been in more serious trouble due to a storm and high ground, the controllers at Canberra did a fantastic job and very calm and reassuring, lots of red and white jets waiting for me to land.



  10. I also just joined ! The ASIC card is a joke ! I have had one from the start and no one has ever looked ! No pilot ever committed a terrorism crime so why are pilots treated like terrorist ! In London men hired a vechicle and caused terrorism and created havoc and loss of life ! Does that mean motorist need an ASIC ?


    I WILL NOT RENEW MY ASIC AND I WILL OBJECT STONGLY AGAINST THIS STUPID REDICULOUS WROUGHT THAT THE GOVERNMENT CONTINUALLY ALLOWS ! This current state and federal government are the worst ever in my opinion and I admit I vote for their team but never again !





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  11. Thousands of them flying, the G13BB.Millions of them on the road in hilly China getting soundly thrashed and poorly maintained in overloaded, undergeared mini vans and flatbeds. There would be a few million of them in taxis as well in China, here's Chongqing for example ..


    Every yellow car you see is a ChangAn-Suzuki Swift with a G13BB, and the mini vans likely also, my point is they are very, very well proven.




    Yes, very interesting engine you highlighted Bex ! No Rick-Shaw's in photo !



  12. You live in Perth, that's about as far away as you can get from this country, so yes yo have been out of the country for a while:oh yeah: I wasn't aware that Camit got out of making Jab motors?

    Mr Capt Wally ! You try to speak as an authority ! You don't realise how uninformed you appear to me ! I think Riley is better informed than you are ! What does where he live have anything to do with anything ! The whole world knows about what happened to Camit except you apparently !



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