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Posts posted by IanR

  1. The only problem with their bigger and faster planes is that they weigh over 544kg, so you have to have a PPL to fly them, with the requirements for a medical every 2 years and therefore a donation to CASA.

    However, the thought of an RV6, 7 or 8 is worth any expense !! They are really impressive machines.



  2. Rick, we went in the Australian Light Aircraft Championships there - they had a number of different events including the formation flying. Others included spot landing, forced landing, streamer cutting and aerobatics.


    The unfortunate thing was that the rules only allowed VH registered aircraft to participate - I raised that with one of the officials - may be changed for next years event (in WA). Hope so - more the merrier !!



  3. I was at Taree during the week. The helicopter was sitting there with police crawling all over it for fingerprints, etc


    The really weird things were :


    1. It was beautifully parked


    2. It had been nicely prepared for sitting overnight (rotor tie downs fitted, etc)


    3. The rego had been removed


    4. It was apparently flown there at night (take a bit of skill I think ?)


    Something a bit fishy I think.



  4. Next week the RFACA is holding its annual Australian Light Aircraft Championships at Taree. We are entering a team after many years absence. Anyone else on the forums going ? Would be good to catch up.


    Program has practice on Thursday and the events being held Friday and Saturday.



  5. Once you start going to Camden, it is very difficult to escape.

    Its definitely a problem - I went there 20 something years ago and have not yet escaped !! In fact one of the reasons we moved out to Wollondilly Shire was to be closer to Camden.



  6. I have been involved in some "on the day" organisation and we ran a few club ones years ago. Depends on when it is would be happy to lend a hand !!


    Also, if you want to see one in action the RFACA is having its annual championships in Taree this year - 8-10 May - details, rules, etc are on their website



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