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Keith Page

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Posts posted by Keith Page

  1. So nothing else has affected the cost rise?You are dreaming if you believe that Bull. Convenient though it may be I still think it isn't that simple.

    So where has all the funds gone? Isn't RAAus operating on a negative budget.

    Not sure of the exact figures wasn't there a surplus funds sitting in investment funds, I think it is all nearly gone.





  2. The impenetrable suggestion that RAA somehow 'conspired' to exacerbate the Jabiru situation ( if indeed that is WHAT is being suggested; I find it hard to determine what has been suggested, in the dogged resistance to providing any sort of 'evidence', or even a hint, of 'facts') is a load of hogwash.A general indication of the efforts RAA made to try to get CASA to listen to sense, is contained in the following: https://www.raa.asn.au/storage/response-to-dr-aleck-june-2016-jabiru-instrument.pdf. That is a very considered and careful letter; earier responses by RAA, in particular by Michael Moncke, were considerably stronger in their denunciation of the CASA action. They are discoverable.


    Those who tend to place any credence in KP's uttering, should perhaps avail themselves of the opportunity to seek a response from Jabiru regarding whether it feels it was in any way 'let down' by RAA action. If in doubt, it is always a good idea to seek out the information from a reputable source, and Jabiru management (Rod Stiff or Sue Woods) would fall into that category.


    In the interests of further information, KP should provide us all with a detailed explanation of what action his organisation would have taken in the situation that RAA was placed? It is not justified to simply throw out accusations of 'not good enough', without at least providing an outline of what WOULD have been good enough. There can be no possible legal consequences of expressing one's own view of what was required, and that would at least present to us a picture of the proficiency and realistic understanding of what we could expect from ELAAA.


    Over to you, Keith, to lay your cards on the table.

    Back again had to do some work I see your comments Oscar I will digest them are make some amendments to your story.. At a glance there a couple not stacking up but they stack up for those who do not question.




  3. Maybe the RAAus just doesn't have the power to do things cheaply. I think it needs dedicated staff at head office to keep feeding CASA with answers to questions.One day, after flying my plane for about ten years, my registration renewal was refused because there was only one photo of the fuselage numbers in some filing cabinet in Canberra. The cause of this was a CASA audit, not anything the RAAus did. So how about the theory that they are trying to keep costs down, but it is CASA that determines the costs ?

    I think most CASA staff come from an organization where there is unlimited funding and unlimited time and no real work to do while waiting for WW3.

    There is my thoughts Bruce.. You have flown your plane for 10 years now all of a sudden not enough stickers on it. The fact is it was OK once and now it is very unsafe without the stickers on it. You get told the story, "CASA audit" Hmmmmmmmmmm? CASA has to be at the RAAus building to perform an audit, some of those schemes come solely out of the RAAus office without help from elsewhere.

    I have the same problem I know your pain Bruce.





  4. Keith, can you, in plain English, with no riddles, winks or nudges tell us what RAAus did that was so bad in relation to Jabiru, tell us what we should be shocked about in relation to the RAAus restructure and tell us how RAAUs should have been involve in training Chinese airline pilots?If you've got no facts or are not prepared to present them perhaps silence would be a smarter option.

    I will not answer or expand on those points on a public forum. I have said, too much already.


    If ever I am put before a court of law I will be able answer and expand on all, the information is not flimsy. If ever that happens that day I will not be operating with riddles, winks, nudges - will be facts.


    Just imagine if some of those facts got on this forum the mind boggles as to where that information will end up and of course the twisting.


    As Turbo said it is mostly out there only needs researching.


    I resent the remark "silence is the smarter option" there are those here who can put the jig saw together without having it all spelt out to them.


    (I have facts and they are not being shared on an open forum)





  5. Oh! What a noise I have generated by just mentioning "watch out".


    SDQDI you are very sensitive as when I mentioned the "watch out" you go straight into saying ELAAA is in self promotion I hasten to inform you,


    "Your suspicions are incorrect" It will be nothing more pleasing for me to see aviation grow in Australia. That is my aim and we do not want it pulled down with regulation and self promotion.


    Your comments to me are a good example of:- Listening to comment not to understand.


    SDQDI please educate me, How do you want me to convey, "Watch out"? It is obvious in your eyes I am doing it wrong. Over to you now.


    I was very interested here Turbo mention - few are lazy and not go for a look. Yes all is out there -- not quite -- there is some info held back by the quiet minority.


    There are quiet a number people on this forum who are up to speed of what is going on, and they are just watching.


    The big problem is self promotion and egos.


    For some research delve into those three points I put into a reply to Geoff. Do not be happy with one answer get a cross section of views and from many areas.


    I am encouraged to see some people on this forum are thinking about the situation and not go into the ELAAA "Self promotion mode".


    For a bit of enlightenment go back to some things what Rod Birrell was mentioning before the vote for change.


    Any of them fit now?





  6. Every now and then someone pops in hear drop a grenade, hints of better things to come, stirs the pot then pisses off.Still no better things to come and to be quite honest I still get to go flying every weekend under the current system.

    One must wonder what his agenda really is?

    No doubt Geoff you are aiming at me that is OK I can handle that, only a small time swipe at me. When one stands up to be counted that is the normal treatment but we will move on to all those things which are at play and not too many get to have them highlighted.

    However have you looked into the truth behind the Jabiru issue? When you have time go and get your angle on the manoeuvring.


    The big one ---- the lobbying to get enough votes to change the structure of RAAus to a company from what we knew. Delve about and get that information you will be shocked.


    What about the China flying schools? RAAus had the opportunity to have some of that business but egos got in the way.


    There are three for you to contemplate, Geoff. Just a disgrace more members are not told.


    I try and get people thinking about what is going on but most look at the situation for holes and reply. Not to many look to understand what is happening.





    • Haha 1
  7. I'm still here, Keith, though I couldn't be bothered to take a whole lot of notice..But seriously: the ELAAAAAAAAA was supposed to be all the go some - what - 15 months ago? It seems to be spinning its wheels in a boggy patch.

    Well obviously you have not bothered to taken any notice at all.

    Part149 and Part103 have had their implementation dates postponed, so we have had to re write everything. Then to add some fun the goal posts had some wheels engineered into the design of them.





    • Informative 1
  8. SDQDI.. The answer to your question.(A) NO


    However I do not enjoy seeing good honest people being taken advantage of and it is only just a display of egos.


    When I see some wrong I do step up and tell the people they are being taken advantage of.


    I hope that answered your question SDQDI.





  9. I may appear to be very negative. I can understand the need to move with the times, its the empire building, chasing after GA benefits and disregarding the core of the sport that I have a problem with. We are heading towards over regulation because we (the individual pilots) cant be trusted to govern our own safety and behave as we have been behaving with no problems for many years. All of a sudden someone who builds their own aircraft is not competent, without a piece of paper, to look after it. If you built it and fly it, surely you have a vested interest in keeping it flying safely. Who else knows your aircraft like you the builder. The accident rate in RAA registered aircraft is low so why should we be subject to GA style regulation when all of their rules have not changed the accident rate either. Common sense seems to be out and rules and regulations are in. Example, why should I have to get a piece of paper (L1 cert) to service and repair the aircraft I built and maintained. A ludicrous situation. Maybe time for a basic recreational flying body that actually looks after pilots and their ultralight aircraft, (oh, sorry, we had one of those. Dont know what happened to it)

    A few years back who can remember the incessant noise on this forum, the experts having their say and exposing their knowledge.

    ""The board is doing it wrong and we are the new messiahs."" We have them - now steering the ship.


    Well Hmmmmmmm what has happened?


    Things are worse now *the board is absolutely silent and RAAus is going to be the next 1/2 or very mini GA.


    Where RAAus started those little treasures are now for gotten


    Medicals are getting tougher.. Registration is getting tougher. May as well go fishing the plane is now worthless....OR....Keep it out in the digglies.





    • Agree 1
    • Winner 1
  10. It's about the LOT . This is the eternal question. The advertising "revenue" is an unknown so is the recruitment effect. The cost is also known and it's not a revenue raiser based on past experience.. IF the management are responding to a member driven response I wouldn't be too condemnatory of giving it a try. Going GA MK2 I don't agree with..That's a different matter and a core issue. Nev

    Certain members in the management level are hell bent on pushing for GA Mk II.. I am not sure if members are aware that certain aspects in Tech and Opps are well above CASA requirements, so who is pushing GA Mk II.?

    I still wonder why the last Tech Manual was sent to CASA for approval. (Under the cover of secrets.)





  11. Barnaby will not do any good. All the previous ministers have bowed down to CASA and it is not going to change. Politicians are not going to do anything that could reduce their chances of reelection. If you write to them pointing out the problems, they ask the relevent minister, who then asks CASA and back comes the reply that nothing will be done.This country is going down the gurgler of beaurocratic indulgence.

    There is always someone pulling the strings to get more legislation and the only time I can recall they failed was when Qld didn't bring in more rules to control quad bikes. Possibly because there are more quad bike users than pilots. Only today I heard someone on radio saying that the high road toll would be reduced if we had annual roadworthy inspections for Qld cars, he was saying that there were lots of cars with bald tyres and failed brakes. Funny thing is that the powers that be have declared that inattention seems to cause the most crashes.

    Give Barnaby a whacking and he will hand it along he is not keen at suffering by himself. I have had some dealings already and looks like a hornet nest is a bit stirred plus he has Barry O'Sullivan in his wings. What I spoke about his ears were pricked sound like a couple will have less time for Latte's.

    Chester was more interested in his Latte and Lobster set than being constructive.


    Start lopping the tree from the top, gets a lot of positive action quick - will be very interesting who will leave the ship. Just wait holiday season at the moment.





  12. I have no first-hand experience of your bureaucracy. In that context, I offer a hypothesis: your "leadership" has been seduced by the prospect of power, prestige, and a bigger pay packet.Making RAA closer to PPL just seems crazy to me.

    What I have been told you are not to far from the truth.




  13. Does anyone needs a custom made panel. I have the tools, the knowledge and the experience to custom make your panel. This particular dash doesn't have the lower section that most do making it a tiny bit smaller. This panel featured an iPad Mini with the Guardian rear mount (the best on the market) iPad slides right in and locks. I can wire up all your gauges and dash lights, switches and fuses. You can supply or I can supply. Same with the avionics. Just let me know if there is any interest. I only have the template for the Jabiru dash panel or if you're upgrading, I can trace around your old panel.

    Have you looked at the Mini Levil AHRS? They will connect to the IPad by blue tooth and they work a treat. Transponders are wired to the AHRS and the blue tooth from there. All instruments -that is - flight and engine even the upmarket extra instruments e.g. DG & AH.



    • Like 1
  14. What's happening with the Elaaa? Is their ops and tech manuals out and about?

    We are amending the manuals to compensate for a change of plan.. There has been a change to Part149 and Part103 implementation date hence all the extra work.

    BUT....Wait there could be more with Minister Joyce... Minister Chester was very interested with Latte's and Lobsters. See what is in the New Year. (??????)





    • Like 1
  15. The reason that RAA is a company is that the members voted to make it so.I voted against the change to the constitution and pointed out the problems, both to RAAus as it was then and here on this site. too few voted against the change so we are stuck with it.

    I can at least fly GA and do my own maintenance, but I am not certain about the legality of maintaining my RAA rego plane. I have asked the question more than once and received no reply from RAAus. So if it all goes pear shaped I will say I built the plane, I have done the maintenance procedures course and I maintain it in accordance with CASA schedule 5.

    Now there is..hmmmmmm.. much is done in secret.. It is a members organisation members must be consulted.. A few years ago these members on the board yelled about a secret society, gosh what is going on --- the silence is deafening.




  16. We are being sold out to a CASA wishlist by our own Chairman. With the new board set up no discussion entered into just full steam ahead for increased fees, more stringent maintenance requirement. Possibly requiring a professional to perform even simple maintenance tasks. ie L1 qualification taken away requiring sitting an exam to be legally able to do tasks we used to be allowed to do. (God help you if you own a Jabiru.) We will loose our "point of difference" if increased weight limits (up to 1500kgs) come into being. Why is Mike M pushing for access to controlled airspace for us - if you want to do this go GA. RAA was about low cost, minimum regulation for maximum fun we are literally going to end up "GA mk2" costing as much as our GA cousins are paying now. CASA has ruined GA and if allowed to continue their influence on our leadership they will do the same to us.

    What is happening.??.... I know for sure it is silent....This went quiet when the Tech. Manual was silently presented to CASA for approval.

    What is happening in the Tech world? What is happening in the Opps world? It is all so quiet.





  17. I’m glad camel is so flawless and immune to error, for most people we are susceptible to many human factors that can cause routine checks to be missed. For many thousands of landings this guy has got the gear down correctly. Undoubtedly this was not his finest night flying, but rather than hanging him in the town square as camel wants to I would suggest we actually all try and learn from the mistake and try not to make it ourselves.Camel, do you have a personal problem with this guy? You are going after him very viciously with absolutely no knowledge of the actual facts of the incident. Everybody on this forum likes to complain how viciously CASA goes after people but there are people on here who make CASA look gentle and forgiving.

    Not much -- Camel is only being dictatorial.. a HF stuff up..

    For Chester's own display natural cunning he should have reported it, that manoeuvre what have killed all noise in a blink of an eye.


    Imagine the silence if the then minister was involved with the reporting, nothing for the masses to go on about, if one tries to hide things the noise from the mob is deafening while they are looking under the carpet.


    Instead try this line"Hey I stuffed up here can you come and give me a hand to fix it".. By gosh noise of them all leaving and concealed by the dust as they leave.





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