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Everything posted by ausgee

  1. cnc cutting fittings for pietenpol I am drawing the metal fittings so that they can be cnc cut. There are several snivels about some of the tabs needing to be lengthened so that the bolts go in easier. Has anyone got a list of where the problems are? Got the official plans this week from the Pietenpols.
  2. Hi dick thanks for the welcome
  3. Thanks for the answer on the legal stuff
  4. I was muddling through the legal stuff on the RAA site and they mention an RAA builders log. It doesn't appear to be listed in the price list. Is it a requirement or is a website or pictoral log the go?
  5. On re reading the post I noticed that you said you used single strand core RG 58. You want multi strand for the center conductor. Aircraft vibration often snaps a solid center conductor at the connector. Most coax faults occur right at the connectors.
  6. Enough theory allready. Time to apply moron math to the problem. He is the guy that cuts lumber by holding the piece up to the gap and marking it instead of doing mental gymnastics. The first step is to connect the radio directly to a head set with the headset adapter that comes with the radio. If that fixes the problem it is the intercom not the radio. A known good headset is another thing to try. The second step is to take the known good setup, the vxa 150 and try it in place of the vxa 220. If it works the antenna, powerful radio stations, engine electrical are not the problem. Third step is optional. Move the VXA 220 to the plane where the vxa 150 is. If it doesn't work then start troubleshooting the vxa 220 and intercom interface. Always try the easiest cheapest thing first. And be methodical. Hope this helps.
  7. cnc cutters I was heartened to see that a lot of web sites for hot rodders sell 4130 steel. I am about to start drawing the files for the various metal bits of the Piet. Anybody have recommendations for CNC cutters in the canberra area?
  8. I probably have more near mid airs than anybody on the planet. I have been up close and personal with a C-5 at night and it is big. Air Traffic control was in a panic. I was stuck in an up draft going up with the engine at idle. The C-5 decided he would turn just as started to declare an emergency and ask that he turn. Here is a thought. Most mid air collisions happen in "controlled airspace". One of the few of mine that weren't was on my first solo. I turned base after dutifully announcing my position all the way around the pattern to find a windshield full of airplane. I asked what his intentions were. He said " Ahm a Gonna LAND! I climbed over him and exited the pattern. That flight instructor will never be the same. Technology is expensive. But so are new seat covers. The more buyers the less the cost. Now everybody and his dog can build avionics gear. Thank goodness we don't have just the folks in the giant companies.
  9. Good Job. Amazing stuff the cnc parts. Looking forward to seeing the next bit.
  10. I ordered the plans packet from the pietenpols. No answer yet from england.
  11. Thanks for the info. I will definitely be registering RAA. How do I get in touch with Jim Willis for the supplemental plans?
  12. I have been to lightning ridge. And Grawin. It is one of the places that I want to fly back to.
  13. HI Denmit. I spent most of my time flying through brick storms and staying up all night to get something flying again. Now I am only going to fly on nice days. I will probably follow Sonja around. Let her wander somewhere in a camper and land near by. I haven't seen much of aus since coming here so I will probably go where the wind takes me.
  14. ausgee replies Hi there thanks for the welcome. Scotty I have been looking at your progress on the piet. Very impressive. I pass through Queanbeyan several times a week. I work on Hot tubs in Canberra. More about me. Thirty years in the avionics business. Worked on big and little ones. Spent 5 years building test equipment for large aircraft. Anybody got any pietenpol parts or plans? What are the legal hurdles that you have to jump over?
  15. Hi there newbie here. I live in Tarago. Home of the one, the only, the original Loaded Dog pub of which there are two in aus. Hoping to build a pietenpol soon.
  16. Hello Hello, I am thinking about building a GN1 air camper. Is there a list of folks going to oskosh this year? I bought one of those three in one stick, tig and plasma cutters. So far the stick and plasma work well and it performs as advertised. It was 700.00 off of ebay. Got the gas bottle and as soon as it is hooked up I am going to try the tig function. Does anybody have a GN 1 for sale or parts of one? Thanks
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