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Posts posted by Russ

  1. keep that strip mowed, intend dropping in soon................russ


    Side note............have just returned from a "CASA" funded ASRA instructors get together. 2 day get together of all gyro instructors Oz wide. The seminar was in part, upskilling instructors in identifying methods of understanding newbies and training methods..........plus a lot more. breaking into small groups and given different incidence scinareos, then presenting our investigations to cause, followed by how to avoid repeats. yes............a great 2 days.


    This "format" is a first for CASA, am hearing it may well flow on to others.............hope so.


    BTW..........the chap you are speaking of here has a Zenon gyro ...............nice machine alright.





  2. Need to jump in here.................way back them days, there was no such animal as a 2 seater powered gyro. 2 seat gyro gliders were it.


    newbies found it near on impossible to source a glider as they were spread far and wide.


    It was then in the main.....................self taught piloting.


    As a consequence, bingles were common place. Couple these accidents with poor design, under power, etc etc............we were dropping like flies.


    This particular incident i know full well.............he purchased my gyro, it was a proven safe machine, i had done big hrs on it. We relocated to NT, this chap some months later decided to fly himself ( zero training )..........the rest is history.


    We have progressed big time, since those dark ages. "Standards" for machines, and good training is compulsory, comparing the early times with "now" is comparing apples to oranges.


    "PIO.....PPO" are no longer on everybodies lips. Machines are now performing beautifully, some cruising 80.......100 kts, more and more builders are coming online with great factory built, turn key machines.


    2 seat machines are ranging from $65k...........$120k, fully enclosed or tandems etc.


    Gyroing is surging thanks to the "now" machines.





  3. Old fella gets talking to a real good looker at the bar..............sugests they go for a late lunch just down the road...........his shout. Ok she says, so down the road they begin to walk, passing a jewellry shop, he sugests they have a quick gander. He tells the shop assistant he wants a reeeel nice ring for a present to a friend, assistant pulls out a $5000 one............no says ol fella, i want a really good one, so assistant comes back with a $50,000 one..............great he says, then asks the young woman with him, if she also liked it, she sayed it was unbelievable.............actually he says, i was buying it for you.........she was beside herself. Ok says ol fella to the assistant, it's late friday, you are about to close, i will pay you in full now by cheque, you get the cheque cleared monday am, then give me a call, and we will be back in to pick it up monday......call me


    Monday morn ol fella get's a call..........sorry sir your cheque bounced, that's Ok says ol fella................i've just had one hell of a weekend.006_laugh.gif.0f7b82c13a0ec29502c5fb56c616f069.gif006_laugh.gif.d4257c62d3c07cda468378b239946970.gif



  4. Just so happins i've obtained a soob diesel engine, brand spanker..........yet to arrive here tho.


    Cost.................$18k plus fees etc etc. 2L turboed, best power/torque around 2000.............2500. Planning on running a direct drive constant speed prop. "Fitting" may be a pain, turbo etc is all underside of the block............the main concern ...............is weight, they are bleedin heavy, my man tells me, more than an EJ25 soob.


    You never know, maybe Rotax will release diesel 914's...........now that would be nice.



  5. Idea......................self, inhouse insurance...............WTF 025_blush.gif.9304aaf8465a2b6ab5171f41c5565775.gif


    RAA, puts in place "their own" insurance cover for ALL MEMBERS........every member pays an additional $$$$ that is then dedicated to the insurance fund, with the numbers here of members, it would quickly build up to a sizeable amount, and snowball further with good returns from any banking company.


    This "insurance fee" would be compulsory as part of membership, maybe a "cap" could be placed to "payout", perhaps 50 % of valuation...........this is far better than zero, that most folks now get ( not insured )


    Just tossing an idea here folks...........try to think HOW this could be done..........not how it can't be done.


    back under me rock now................



  6. Yet another fellow aviator tells me his "insurer" has advised him his policy will not be renewed when it falls due.


    The guy has never made a claim, ever, but his plea has fallen on deaf ears.


    Another chap told me some time back, he too had a battle, in the end the insurer agreed to renew, but the premium was about 20% of the crafts valuation.


    The apparant trend by insurers to target recreational folks is disturbing, especially when the stats just don't stack up to support their actions.


    Sourcing cover outside of oz, is very possible, but i hear it could backfire when oz laws etc are called into play. :confused::confused:


    Maybe.............if all aviators, i mean ALL rec aviators, banded together, and presented a case, the numbers then just might get some clout.


    Tiz a worry.......051_crying.gif.fe5d15edcc60afab3cc76b2638e7acf3.gif



  7. Thought it might be appropriate at this point to let folks know how to plumb in a mizer for a "EFI" engine............( EFI having returning fuels to tank )


    You must have a 2nd tank ( i call it a "working tank" ) only needs to be 2...3 litres. this working tank is gravity feed from main tank.......Ok........engine draws from this working tank, returning fuels also go back to this tank. The mizer transducer is located in that gravity line from main tank to working tank..............it reads the amount of fuel that is topping up that working tank........ie, actual fuel being used.


    Locations of lines in or out of working tank........engine draws from the bottom, returned fuels at the top, as is gravity fuel in. Now..............a SMALL breather is fitted to the top as well, this is plumbed back to the top of your main tank, this breather negates any possible presure buildup in this working tank.


    Used this method for yrs on my soob ej22.........worked a treat.



  8. Thanks Russ, I have read on a few places where there have been some problems with fine strands from filters etc causing the turbine to not function properly in the Fuel Mizer, have not heard of the same issues with the JPI. Do they come with another filter or do you rely on the in line filter of the aircraft?

    Both makers advise to install a filter before the transducers. I used some pretty ordinary fuels at times, hence i changed that filter 2....3 times per yr. The mizer never missed a beat all those yrs.


    Do know.......if the transducer faults, fuel flow is not compromised.



  9. Yes, them mizers will tell you remaining fuel in tank..............but more better, they will tell you exactly your fuel burn rate at whatever revs you set the engine. It's a great tool to then adjust your revs seeking that ultimate fuel burn.


    The JPI FS450, does all that.............plus a heap more goodies, and is aero certified, legit. Cost is 3X the mizer tho.


    Ask me in a couple of months how my FS450 is going, in my new machine.


    ( Fitting instructions will tell you "where" for the transducer )



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