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Everything posted by justinm001

  1. Im not married/gf'd so do/spend as I please :-) Trick is to pay with cash... so you dont ever have a paper trail of receipts you can look back on... and cry. Only been flying for maybe 4 months and i swear the rate goes up like $4/hr everytime i check the site every few weeks. Oh yeah.. If any instructors (or owners) need any high level IT network/security work done... perhaps we could work out a trade :) ? hmm wonder if theres a "will trade XYZ to fly" thread somewhere.
  2. dont want to hijack.... :) but while were talking about medical certs... can someone who's gotten a class2 recently tell us about what happens during the test with the docter please ? Im guessing you just chat about your family history and stuff ? and do all the normal sorta tests... eye, reflex etc etc ? Oh yeah do they take your blood ? I dont like neeedles :( had a bad exp once when I was like 6 by some pycho injection nurse They can have my urine... but the bloods mine ! thanks :-)
  3. You can apply for the ARN, SPL and ASIC at the same time. Just send all your forms/doco's in together. CASA will send you your ARN, then SPL and lastly your ASIC. I very recently applied and the hole process took about 6 weeks. You dont need the medical certificate to apply for the 3 things above.. I havnt got mine yet. Was quite disapointed after recieving the SPL, was expecting something for $50... $160 gets you a shiny card atleast. Oh yeah in regards to calling, I rekon CASA is quite possibly the best gov org in AUS. Staff are always very friendly and helpful.. I called a few times :P
  4. wow I didnt relise that was the case at all. I thought RAA must be because the plane is lighter. Kinda makes me wish I researched it abit more before starting :P
  5. hmmm so you can actualy decide if you want to register the plane as either GA or RA ?
  6. how much does it cost to get the 50hr/100hr checks done generaly ? and on a $100k plane for e.g how much would insurance be ? I like these sorts of threads/topics... gives me hope/motivation.
  7. aah yip i think Tristar is right next to MFS. Im usually there on sundays. when you say "our skyfox" do you mean you own it :) ?? I'll await for your reply before i barrage you with questions.. :)
  8. hehe just checked out the Icon i like i like. When they say LSA... does that always mean RA ? Like what category would the Icon be in? Sorry for all the basic questions, im just getting into this RA stuff.. 30 mins ago :P
  9. yeah im learning on the piper atm but after i saw the seamax it seemed to appeal to me alot more than any of the GA/RA planes. landing on water is where its at !!! plus the safety aspect isnt bad either. Thanks for the tip on the pilot down in williamstown. Might check it out. In regards to the rego.. i found a picture of one that i think is in QLD. The rego is 24-72XX (xx being 2 numbers..). Im assuming thats RA ?
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