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Posts posted by spacesailor

  1. Just standard camping gear , 4 amphour fridge/freezer .

    CB radio & a small number other bits. 

     But left on overnight . So probably 48 hours  total hours from my 1500 ah truck batteries .

    I should have had a 4 ah solar input , but it got shaded .

    As the diesel motor needed the "" preheater " before starting it only just failed  ( turned over slowly ). 

    My ' emergency jump-start ' just melted a terminal off .



    • Informative 1
  2. My poor Delica had two 750 ah 12 v batteries ( 3 years old ), I Killed them ( overdischarged ) twice they were doomed .

    Replaced by some " calcium " something batteries .

    They lasted less than 12 months. 

    So back to " flooded wet cell " batteries,  & two years later still going strong .



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  3. " regional parts " ,

    I needed a Holden part , it comes from Brisbane somewhere. 

    As I'm heading north from Sydney,  no problem. 

    Get to Brisbane,  only to be told , it comes from Perth .

    I eventually broke down,  solely due to  regional parts .

    Luckily for me , the Indian mechanic knew the tricks & got that common part .

    From , China .


    • Haha 2
  4. A little ' similar ' we have the " off lease dog field " ,  next field across .

    The person mowing the runway uses a ' remote controlled ' mower .

    I gave away model flying when leaving the UK . Still have a few motors though .


    PS  :  Have you used  that, ' very old ' APS ' plans hand book ' . 

    My older brother put a few of my designs into it .


    • Informative 1
  5. Do you actually run IC engines in your planes .

    Sydney seems to have outlawed those & now it's the noisy prop electric only .

    I can hear them 2 to three kilometres away at my house  , when it's flying day.

    Council by laws , AND WE HAVE A CANDIDATE,  standing against

    " wok & anticar " In our Council elections this time .

    ( we have a road that has become " single file for cars after they took half the road for cyclists).



  6. Most major companies just analyse the " oil " to see how long to next servise .

    Or " replacement " .

    Far too expensive for our use, so the next best is ' see what the filter has caught ' . 


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