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David Isaac

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Everything posted by David Isaac

  1. Obviously not David, But clearly 'They' considered that as my application was for an ASIC as a PIC of an aircraft, it would seem they assumed I wouldn't be flying without a medical so decided to decline my application. If applying for an ASIC for the purposes of flying an Aircraft without a medical it seemed logical to me that without a medical you would have to be an RAAus member because I knew that RAAus members could get them and most dont have medicals ... but who could possibly know because the bungling bureaucrats make the rules. Please pardon my apparent sarcasm but I have absolutely zero tolerance for the bureaucratic processes these days and after the BS I went through with Avmed, why would I reasonably expect anything different from these idiots?????
  2. I can't remember the name of the entity, but it is the main issuer authorized by the government. They held my application up while I was going through that medical drama a few years ago, and when I finally didnt renew my class 2 medical they returned my application giving the reason I stated above.
  3. They did it to me David, so I know from pesonsal experience it is true. When I didnt renew my class 2 they returned my ASIC application paperwork and additionally told me if I didnt renew my medical I did not have a valid readon for an ASIC. That is why you need to be an RAAus member and apply on that basis if you don't hold a medical.
  4. Unless you are an RAAus member you cannot get an ASIC if you don't have an ARN and a current medical regardless of your license type.
  5. I would use Inox and make a spray attachment and tube and feed it into the carburettor throat and empty the can into the engine whilst it is running. Leave the plugs in and shut it down immediately the can runs out. That will coat all components in the cylinders and top end including the valves and guides. I wouldn't use CRC or WD40; both are inferior to Inox.
  6. Was that the Sooby powered one, or have I got that all wrong.
  7. Sorry to hear this news Tim. You are a good man and a good mate.
  8. Every time I look at that photo Maj I think how blessed you were. How many died in that one, I can't remember.
  9. Looks like they fitting faulty belts buddy. That ain't suposed to happen.
  10. Maybe but there are typically two doors one on either side; less likely to collapse both wings onto each side of the fuselage.
  11. That you may not have in some low wing bubble canopy types.
  12. I know both of them, and this Paul Bennet is really well known to me.
  13. That would be a great short field performer Nev, especially if it still had the 40 degree flap capability.
  14. A C150 has just crashed on land adjacent the airfield at Warnervale. Both POB OK. Aircraft is a flip over and a right off. All's well that ends well (except for the poor C150)
  15. Unfortunately we know that will be at least 18 months away and more like two years.
  16. Negative, an RPL limits you to PIC plus 1 PAX. You need the PPL for more than two bums.
  17. I would love that machine, I'd stick in on line at Warnervale ... But ... alas ... I fear my marriage would come under unprovoked stress if I used the reno money ... I'd much rather go flying than do the reno ......
  18. Understand totally buddy. You were there on the Board at what was for us the most critical time and your collective investment in our organisation is obvious, well done You now need to spend some time looking after yourself and the family. Please stay tuned in with us and all the best for your immediate future.
  19. I would suggest the magazine is one of the ways to get information to the members and that is all. The best way is by emailed newsletters and bulletins and I am not interested in hearing that not all members have emails. How the hell do they get their flight details and notams etc if they don't have some sort of online access?
  20. Nothing that is not manageable with agreed procedures. He needs to get in early and develop a relationship with the flying ops people. he was there first, so he has some moral rights at the least.
  21. I think it was fortunate the precedent had been set in your case. If no precedent exists you need to be careful where you put the honey ... LOL.
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