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Posts posted by ayavner

  1. so on these hot days we're talking about do you find its bumpy all the way up to the ceiling? Or closer to the ground, say 1000 feet? Forgive me if its a dumb question, still early days for me...


    Went out this past Saturday (Bankstown) and that level of gust and x-wind was past my comfort level at the moment... wouldn't want to do that every time, but its good to have experienced it. Even if I did chew holes in my seat cushion...



  2. ...blades?


    I'd like to "spin" up a little discussion on the advantages/disadvantages of the different number of blades on a prop. Why would you choose one over the other? Is there a limit to the # of blades per unit of power output, or what's the deal?


    I know I can google it, but I am just trying to "propel" some lively discourse and learn more in the process. No decisions to be made here, and no animals were harmed in the process blah blah...



  3. And I don't think much of her tits either...(edit) Hullo,,, let me explain... I'm talking about Charly's tits. Not that lovely lass from down South for Krisake...


    069_boring.gif.9cee54db3616ee9ac1231638d365dc2c.gifgiggle.gif.9fbf2613564ad555277246f6add2d17e.gif 108_hot_or_not.gif.df1d6fb7ad7e3b9c58d1bbf83ac149e9.gif insane.gif.b56be3c4390e84bce5e5e6bf4f69a458.gif 028_whisper.gif.c42ab2fd36dd10ba7a7ea829182acdc1.gif slap.gif.22f77bb1d8f43ded898b9ffe8198a15e.gif 059_whistling.gif.a3aa33bf4e30705b1ad8038eaab5a8f6.gif

    I was gonna say.... you have GOT to be joking!!


    glad you cleared that up!! 075_amazon.gif.0882093f126abdba732f442cccc04585.gif



  4. A copy of the "The Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams" would be a good item to carry as it has (in large friendly letters) DON'T PANIC on the back cover. Be aware that late afternoons offer some really smooth flying conditions at Gawler. I went out after work today (11th Sep) and it was as smooth as silk. If you're on the ground by six, you'll have enough time to put the baby to bed before the light fails....

    and don't forget a towel.



  5. Haha, yes I know why the blank pages are like that, just a bit of fun.


    Just trying to spur a bit of discussion (and possibly inspire some to re-read) on the manual. So what are some of your favourite nuggets of info that might be considered obscure? (though mine apparently wasn't)



  6. .... well, not really, but as I have almost 2 hours of commute in the mornings and after work, I am forcing myself to read the Operations Manual cover-to-cover.


    Obviously a dry read, but I think worth it. I have always kept it handy for a reference, but it is interesting to note as I go through it how many of the questions I have had that I didn't think would be in there are right there in black and white!


    Lots of things i didn't know too!


    To be honest, I am skipping the bits that I don't feel are relevant at this time, such as requirements for water operations or that kinda thing. Also, I reckon it would be less likely to affect weight and balance if we could tear out all the sheets that say "deliberately left blank" 008_roflmao.gif.692a1fa1bc264885482c2a384583e343.gif


    So for the sake of discussion - anyone else done this or feel inspired to now? What are some favourite nuggets? I'll start off - did you know that in the section of endorsements and qualifications, there is an "Advanced Pilot Award"?





  7. I had a Toyota Prius, with a similar style info panel, with a ton of integrated info about the engine and battery and fuel etc all in one neat display. I found it almost like playing a video game, the picture was so mesmerising I was often driving to influence the display rather than paying attention to the traffic and roads!


    I also have the same problem when driving behind someone with those bloody back-seat DVDs for the kiddos... "ooo Lion King!"


    so yeah, don't think I would put one in my plane if I had one. Give me a good set of analog gauges any day!



  8. Hrmmm intersesting. I also show in the August '12 AIP that it seems to be listed with all the usual information, and nothing on there about it being closed or off-limits, so i am guessing the airfield is still open. I'll see if the number there is different from the one the RAAus list has for Rod, and I'll try to give him a call...



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