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Posts posted by ayavner

  1. Hey all - just interested in what some of you think are some classic flying songs? You know, the way we think of something like Born to be Wild as a classic motorcycling song?


    I'll start it off with probably my favourite, some great guitar work and a really cool story - this the soundtrack in my head when I am daydreaming of flying.


    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=videoseries, by the inimitable Stephen Stills.


    What are some of yours?? This thread could make for a very good flying mix tape/CD/playlist!



    • Like 1
  2. *sigh* so its been 2 months since my last flight, just have not been able to line up the money/time/weather. Really want to get this process kicked back into gear, really hoped I'd be alot further along in the space of a year. Hey that rhymes!


    So now it looks like money and time might be on my side, and I've recently found out that my FI is moving to Adelaide so i might be looking for another school. I posted a separate thread hoping to glean some recommendations for schools in the Sydney area, but got no replies (??)


    Anyway, I'm excited to get back behind the stick, hoping I don't suddenly find that I have forgotten everything. I always love to read all the threads here about peoples' firsts (solo, plane, pax, nav, $100 burger) and hoping to be able to post some of my own some day soon.


    That's all for now, hope everyone has a great weekend. I know I will if the weather holds out on Sunday!





  3. Just a note on perspective here, since I don't really have much to add to the already excellent wisdom being shared on the various paths to your goal... if I remember from the magazine articles, you are - 18?? Correct me if I am wrong. So sure, 12 years seems like a long time.. .its 2/3 of your life!! 12 years to some folks here is but a tiny fraction. I thought the same way back in 1991 when I got out of the Air Force... wasn't how I wanted to spend all that time, yadda yadda... so fast forward to now.. had I stayed in, I would have retired 5 years ago, would still be the same age I am now, and probably would have had a whole bunch of interesting experiences.


    But whatever you do, do something to move the ball down the field... in 12 years you are going to be 30 (?)... whether you are 30 with time spent towards your goal or just 30 with a desk job and a drawer full of half-forgotten dreams is entirely up to you!



    • Like 2
  4. Hi all,


    Have just found out that my FI is taking a job in Adelaide. Wondered if anyone can recommend an FI or flight school operating out of Bankstown? I am 9 hours in and have passed all 4 RAA tests, mostly working on circuits these days (when time and money are in sync). Most of it in a jab 170, but really liked the low-wing Tecnam they had me on at first.


    I am not opposed to trying another airfield, but thought I'd check Bankstown first since I am familiar with it (somewhat).







  5. For me, I do like Recreational Flying, though i can see the reasoning behind both. As a function of what works best in a search engine, that can be a double edged sword... if I, as a low-hours aspiring RAA learner, were searching for a forum just like this, the name "aircraft pilots" might scare me off... Recreational Flying on the other hand, I would be more likely to jump right in.


    That said, I did find this forum via google search, but I think i was looking for something else so wasn't really looking for a forum.


    I'm happy either way, but will vote for Rec.



  6. Anyone reading these posts would have to come to the conclusion that this is a fantastic site (thanks Ian and others).There are just so many top guys freely offering great advise and mateship, in the name of safety. It's just so good to see.

    Hear, hear!



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