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Posts posted by Marty_d

  1. I just found this thread again after a few months, love it.




    I would prefer a designer of most ugly planes. This would have to be chris heintz from zenair.Functional designs but only a mother could love the look. And yes i owned a zodiac once.

    I will now run and hide.



    I like the look of the 701 (or Savannah, given it looks pretty much identical) in the same way I like the look of the Landrover Defender. "Chunky and angular but functional as all hell" can have its own attractiveness in vehicles...


    HITC, love the photoshopped SR-71. Your work?


    Also love the biplane design. Fantastic stuff. 012_thumb_up.gif.cb3bc51429685855e5e23c55d661406e.gif



  2. Flirting with Death in a so called flying car.

    What makes that a flying car?? All you see in the clip is a set of rudder pedals. Could be any homebuilt aircraft. The fact that he lands it on a suburban street means nothing - in 2010 a bloke put a Victa Airtourer down on the southbound lanes of the Brooker Ave here in Hobart, which wouldn't be any wider than the street in the clip. Admittedly it didn't end real well for the plane, but he walked away from it.



  3. Just my 2 cents worth...


    Cold turkey is the best. No doubt. I did that once and kicked the habit for 4 years.


    Had a bit of trouble repeating the feat in 2011, so I bought an e-cigarette. It worked a treat. You can even get e-juice for them with nicotine in it (from overseas).


    We bought one for my father-in-law in November, he was going thru a 50g bag of Drum every 4 days. Now he goes thru a 30ml bottle of e-juice every 20 days ($6.50). Says he prefers the taste of the e-cig and has only smoked a rollie when he's forgotten to charge the e-cig.


    DISCLAIMER: I have no idea whether these things have adverse health effects. The government refuses to do studies on them so nobody really knows. I do know that if I've puffed away all afternoon at the pub, my throat feels the same the next day as if I'd been smoking. However I also know it's got about 4,000 less dangerous ingredients than tailor-mades. Whether there's something nasty in them that becomes apparent in the next few years, I don't know. I am by no means recommending them, if you're interested then do the research and come to your own conclusion.



  4. I thought it is a crime to enter a country illegaly

    To my knowledge it is not a crime to seek asylum.


    And even if it were, to get locked up for years when you're just trying to escape persecution/torture/death seems a tad unfair... perhaps even un-Australian... 075_amazon.gif.0882093f126abdba732f442cccc04585.gif



  5. Hi all,


    Being a bit of a newbie I hope you'll forgive my ignorance. Having read a few posts on here I see there's people who have built multiple planes, are LAME's, pilots of many years experience and sometimes all three at once. As a contrast I'm building my first plane (CH-701 from plans only) and although I got my restricted PPL when younger, I haven't flown for years.


    My questions are to do with inspections during building, registration of aircraft when finished, and flying training/licencing.


    At the moment I'm just happily building away, taking lots of photos, but as this thing will likely take me years to finish I haven't joined RAA or any other organisation yet. At what stage does the aircraft need to be inspected? Do things like the wing skeleton need to be approved before skinning? What are the costs involved in inspections? Are there qualified inspectors in southern Tasmania?


    When the plane is finished, I assume it has to be registered either with CASA as a VH or with an organisation such as RAA. (Correct me if wrong!) What are the benefits and downsides of each? Is it true that VH registered planes have a much more rigorous maintenance schedule which needs to be done by a LAME, where the owner of a non-VH registered plane is allowed to maintain it himself?


    Flying training: what are the options? When I finish building, I'd like to be able to park my plane at a local strip and jump in and fly when I want. Probably do some long cross-country trips occasionally. What sort of licence would I need - guessing there's an equivalent of PPL - and again are there any flying instructors in southern Tas?


    Sorry about the wordiness of the post, if you got to here then thanks for reading and hope you can answer a question or two!



  6. Hi,


    First up I'm a complete noob to this group so apologies in advance if I ask any stupid questions or breach protocol.


    Just wondering if anyone has used a BMW bike engine in an aircraft in Aus? There's a German company called Take Off (see http://www.takeoff-ul.de/) who sell a unit comprising BMW motorbike engine with clutch and gearing (2.96/1 or 3.46/1 are standard, according to their website). They state the unit using an R1200 engine has low vibration, produces up to 115 hp at a weight of 80kg, fuel injected, dual ignition, and the oil cooling system provides 60% of total cooling.


    I've seen a lot of comment about Rotax and Jabiru failures, not to mention the initial cost of the motor. Have to ask whether a motorbike engine manufactured by the hundreds of thousands by a company like BMW, would be more reliable, cheaper, easier to maintain and lower fuel consumption than most aircraft engines of similar horsepower?


    Thanks, grateful for any insights.



  7. Hi, just discovered this site while searching for a Rotax 912.


    I'm scratch-building a Zenith CH-701 in southern Tasmania, would love to talk to any other builders down here.







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