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Everything posted by mnewbery

  1. Blue flower, red thorns. Blue flower, red thorns. Blue flower, red thorns. Queue the next comment from...
  2. That may be a good thread to start in the "Off Topic" forum. "At what point should my idiot ideas get me banned?" If it's not racist, not inciting violence (etc etc) and not shouting "fire" in a crowded theatre but just plain dumb then it's still free speech. I defend free speech. As I have noted before, even when it involves calling me and others (notably sitting members of parliament, captains of industry and others who made a difference) the worst possible names. The alleged aircraft owner, alleged current pilot who is allegedly not in need of a BFR would still need to meet a number of requirements in order to plan to fly his allegedly registered ultralight and land at YBWW without further consequence or incurring the well documented, significant landing fee. These requirements MIGHT be: Have a documented level and type of insurance for the aircraft and pilot The aircraft and pilot are documented as legal to fly Be invited to attend the specific event Attend a briefing regarding same at one of a number of aviation clubs and sign a document noting that they attended and understood the nature of the briefing Marshal at a specific time and place, fly and communicate as instructed Don't screw up and embarrass everyone Don't mouth off even if there is a reason Don't upset the people nearby, whether they are involved or not I don't know anyone who would help such an ill tempered mouthy loser even understand WHY these requirements might exist let alone help him meet them. So the punchline is, because the people who have met "Mister Fly too scared to use my real name in public because it would get me a ride to the hospital" won't vouch for him as being of good character, he couldn't go if he wanted to. This is the real world effect of being a mouthy loser. So good luck to him getting a BFR signed off north of the Tweed river. The chip on his shoulder will scare off those on the south side too, soon enough. Regardless, I am helping some of the organisers of the next fly-in everywhere I can. I hope to be there one way or another and I expect the same good experiences all round because people will do what they said they were going to do. Same as last time. It could just as easily tip down rain that day and be a total bust but we will have a great time anyway having saved our tolerance for people who truly disagree with a particular opinion but contribute respectfully and after hearing the whole point of view. Fellow aviators, their friends and families. Aviation is about communities of people, first and mostly. Being on the outside and throwing bricks into the middle doesn't help anyone.
  3. No turkey like a middle aged balding turkey with a tinfoil hat
  4. No more posts from me in this thread. Not worth it.
  5. Cheap insurance to avoid the middle aged guy with big mouth the tin foil hat and the ill fitting donkey onesie in economy class. Hollow vessels and all that...
  6. c'mon don't be shy. You did read the rules about unsolicited advertising didn't you F_W
  7. How much commission is the F_W getting out of that? I reckon about $8 ca$$$h to stop him from mentioning it
  8. Moderators please move this thread to aviation classifieds or paid advertising
  9. Please forgive him folks, F_W is on commission with Wagners to fund a much needed personality transplant
  10. See posts #686 and #692. Old news. Moving on.
  11. Point taken. Not to politicise but I'm not sure they are refugees while still in their own country
  12. Please tell me that doesn't include the philosophy of widespread non precision bombing of Syrian civillians?
  13. ...or less. That would explain a lot
  14. Also how clever is it to post a link to an article from 2015? What's it like waking up every morning knowing you need to be naked from the waist down to count to 21?
  15. Caveat: May not be an accurate quote ... TSBE puts China trade links on Toowoomba menu
  16. Wellcamp airport now 'protected': Deputy Premier Oops here goes the liberal party conspiracy...
  17. Cold weather forces Wellcamp to start de-icing planes
  18. (And the RPT boy or girl pilot will be in 90 day IFR currency to satisfy CAO 40.2.1 if it's actual IMC). Sometimes we forget it's the equipment and the pilot
  19. The current ERSA still lists all the AM radio transmitters in Australia and their locations. Also, for those feeling nostalgic you can still create your own NDB technically. ACMA lists licence conditions for amateur beacon operators, as does the WIA. Moruya NDB got canned but Merimbula did not. Wonder if the RPT boys and girls are going to use iPad approach plates?
  20. Me being a man baby is not your concern and nothing to do with this thread. Are you going or not?
  21. Wrong thread. This is about the fly in not the car park. Retweeting people who can't take photos takes you down to their level. Asinine plus one. Care to play again?
  22. Also, for the record please state here that your comments do in fact mean you won't be attending or participating in any way. It would be disheartening to travel all the way from Canberra only to find out that there is a risk we would meet. I may not be alone in that sentiment but I do not speak for others.
  23. Was I referring to you or did you just open your browser and prove to everyone the new level of asinine comments we all need to put up with ... Rather than just assuming ?
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