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Posts posted by skeptic36

  1. Students at a local school were assigned to read 2 books,


    'Titanic' and 'My Life' by Bill Clinton.




    One student turned in the following book report,


    With the proposition that they were nearly identical stories!







    Titanic:.... Cost - $29.99


    Clinton :..... Cost - $29.99




    Titanic:...... Over 3 hours to read


    Clinton :.... Over 3 hours to read




    Titanic:..... The story of Jack and Rose, their forbidden love, and subsequent catastrophe..


    Clinton :... The story of Bill and Monica, their forbidden love, and subsequent catastrophe.




    Titanic:.... Jack is a starving artist.


    Clinton :..... Bill is a bullXXXX artist.




    Titanic:.... In one scene, Jack enjoys a good cigar.


    Clinton :.... Ditto for Bill.




    Titanic:..... During the ordeal, Rose's dress gets ruined.


    Clinton :..... Ditto for Monica.




    Titanic:..... Jack teaches Rose to spit.


    Clinton :... Let's not go there.




    Titanic:..... Rose gets to keep her jewelry.


    Clinton :.... Monica' s forced to return her gifts.




    Titanic:..... Rose remembers Jack for the rest of her life.


    Clinton :..... Clinton doesn't remember jack.




    Titanic:..... Rose goes down on a vessel full of seamen.


    Clinton :...... Monica.. ooh, let's not go there, either.




    Titanic:..... Jack surrenders to an icy death.


    Clinton :..... Bill goes home to Hillary - basically the same thing






  2. Daffy duck on a dirty weekend


    calls reception and asks for condoms.


    The reception says,


    "Shall I put them on your bill?"


    Daffy replies.....


    "Don't be thtupid I'd thufficate."




  3. Alf:I've not been a member of the HGFA for very long so I can't really comment on what's gone on in the past. However, from what I'm told and what I've read, I have the same concerns as you about copping higher fees and fewer benefits. I'm doing my pilots license and will finish that with the HGFA, but unless the new board show me that they are going to lift the standards of of the association and cater equally for all pilots (not just the non-powered fliers), I'm leaning towards moving to the RAA once I'm qualified.

    HI Scott


    Exactly what I'm thinking.


    What happens though with the rego number, some of you blokes have got shiny new wings with a HGFA rego number on it. How do you change that question.gif.c2f6860684cbd9834a97934921df4bcb.gif.


    Could be a good angle for me if I tell the missus I need a new 4 stroker so I have somewhere to write the new number :no no:


    Regards Bill




    Two brooms were hanging in the closet and after a while they got to know each other so well,


    they decided to get married.




    One broom was, of course, the bride broom, the other the groom broom.






    The bride broom looked very beautiful in her white dress.


    The groom broom was handsome and suave in his tuxedo.


    The wedding was lovely.




    After the wedding, at the wedding dinner, the bride-broom leaned over and said to the groom-broom,


    'I think I am going to have a little broom!'




    'IMPOSSIBLE !' said the groom broom.





    Are you ready for this? Brace yourself; this is going to



























    Sounds to me like she's......been .....sweeping around!!!



  5. Paul,


    A simple way to find a leak in the system is to disconnect one terminal from the battery and fit a 12 volt trouble light between the lead you took off and the battery terminal. Make sure everything is turned off and if there is power flowing the globe will illuminate,


    then start removing fuses, when the light goes out that is the circuit with the problem.


    Hope this helps.


    Regards Bill



  6. Got a mate who's a bit nervous about the flying thing. I was riding home on the motor bike to organize some flying with him tomorrow, hit a wombat, come off, skun knees, sore wrist, neck & fat lip, helmet ruined, bike bent, wombat dead:run:. Guess I wont be flying tomorrow :-(


    And he reckons flying might be dangerous.


    Regards Bill



  7. We can't strike because we are supplying a perishable commodity that we can't turn on and off at will, so if we stop supplying we start tipping all the cost of production down the drain instead of just some of it. In this age of the "global village" unless you can get most of the worlds dairyfarmers to go on strike your wasting your time anyway.


    The real problem is government subsidies, while governments are happy to put a floor in the price there will always be oversupply. When E.U. and U.S farmers are forced to produce their product without support and compete in the world market only then will we see anything like a fair return for our investment and effort.


    Regards Bill



  8. Hi Daniel,


    I'm a dairy farmer.


    Luckily my decision to learn to fly and purchase my trike coincided with better times in the industry.


    It sure is tough going to work each day knowing that every day you are getting further and further behind financially. The only way I can justify it is by taking a long term view, the problem is you don't know until several years later whether your efforts where worth it or not.


    The milk price would be much easier to manage if it would just rain occasionally, not a problem your having down there on the mainland according to Querty.


    Getting an interest off the farm (flying) has been a revelation for me, it makes a lot of problems seem much smaller.


    Who do you supply ? We are Murray Goulburn


    Regards Bill



  9. Hi Randy,


    Mine has 380 hrsTT on it now and has given no trouble so far.strong.gif.dc81ffdb7807ef709604a09d84c59938.gif


    When it does give up I will replace it with a new one as I don't think the difference in cost compared to rebuilding is worth it, also the resale value of your aircraft would be better with a new rather than rebuilt motor.


    Regards Bill



  10. Hi Dennis,


    Just having a look at the flycom site Prices & Products and this is what they have to say regarding their visors: Note: These visors have 3 press studs and are supplied with 2 steel security screws, spacer and washers. They are designed to fit the Flycom helmet but will fit any helmet with 3 standard press studs. For use on other helmets such as Comunica and Lynx please request the visor without the press studs, or you can easily remove them yourself.




    Regards Bill




  11. Hi all,


    I am wondering how much to trust factory performance figures, are they real and verified or just sales BS.


    I have been comparing the Quick R with the new Airborne SST and I don't get how although the MTOW is the same (450 Kg), stall speed is the same (64/65Kmh), take off distance is similar (274m Quickr/ 247m SST) the landing distance is 211m for the quickr and 325m for the SST. The other strange one is although the quickr only has 11.43 sq meters of wing area compared to 13.52 for the SST the quickr descent rate is 500ft min while the SST is 770ft min. These figures just don't seem to gel with my understanding of the way things should work.


    Someone care to educate me, or should I not take notice of factory performance figures?


    Regards Bill



  12. I also have a theory which my instructor seems to discount but I wonder whether the screen improves the aerodynamics of the trike. When I fly with Dave, we always have the screen on and the trike seems to trim out at about 52KIAS. When I fly with Bob, we generally fly with the screen off and the trike seems to trim at about 48KIAS. Any theories? I thought about the difference in the weight of the back seater, but would that account for 4 knots? Their weights are different but not by a great deal.

    Hi Scott,


    I was talking to a bloke at a fly-in recently who recommended I put a tall screen on as he had done it and increased his airspeed by 4 knots. I will be definitely doing it in the future :thumb_up:


    Regards Bill



  13. The thing that strikes me is how unprofessional both sides are. Opinion and hearsay seem to be the order of the day and if you have sent out a ballot paper with the wrong date on it surely the only legal way to fix that is to cancel those and reissue new papers with the correct date. At least you would think a correction would have to go to the same list of addresses, surely an e-mail doesn't cut it. I reckon if the losing side gets the brace and bits and has the capital to challenge the result we will be having another election.


    Regards Bill



  14. They still do!

    Not around here.


    The fuel company signed ownership of them over to us so they were no longer responsible for maintenance, then instead of giving us a cheaper price for buying bulk they started charging more than the bowser price because of delivery costs. Although I guess if you use enough of the stuff anything is possible


    I asked for a quote from one supplier, before she would give me a price she asked if it was for off road or on road use, I asked what difference, she said off road is dearer because of tax:faint:


    I rang customs, (that's who we claim the tax back from for off road use) they said bullxxxx.




    Regards Bill



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