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Posts posted by Geoff13

  1. Frank


    Thank you. I have been reading up on it, if you have an endorsement prior to applying for the RPL, it is transferable to the RPL.


    Any endorsements done with RAA after getting the RPL are not transferable to the RPL.


    That is why I think it better to to the endorsment first so that I only need to do them once.


    So can you explain the difference between CSU and in flight adjustable please?



  2. Hi All


    I am looking at doing my RPL this year, but before I apply it seems that I might be better to do my CSU and RG endorsements prior to applying for the RPL.


    Does anyone know of somewhere in or near Brisbane to do these endorsements


    Also I would be interested Waterborne Floats and Waterborne Hull endorsement if anyone knows of someone doing them?





  3. ok so I been checking the classifieds for a bird, but there is just nothing listed, is there nothing for sale or could someone link me to where I can look at whats on offer?

    If you type "xxx" into google you should be able to find more birds than you can handle. Some of them may not be cheap or even go "cheep".



  4. ian what that word sex mean started a new word have you sounds like hard work to me neil

    Storchy Neil sorry but I have proof that you are wrong:-


    Is Sex Work Or Pleasure?


    The Commanding Officer of a regiment in the U.S. Marine Corps was about to start the morning briefing to his staff. While waiting for the coffee machine to finish its brewing, he decided to pose a question to all assembled.


    He explained that his wife had been a bit frisky the night before and he failed to get his usual amount of sound sleep. He posed the question of just how much of sex was work and how much of it was pleasure?


    The X.O. chimed in with 75-25% in favor of work.


    A captain said it was 50-50.


    The colonel's aide, a lieutenant, responded with 25-75% in favor of pleasure, depending on his state of inebriation at the time.


    There being no consensus, the colonel turned to the PFC who was in charge of making the coffee. What was his opinion?


    Without hesitation, the young private responded, "Sir, it absolutely has to be 100% pleasure."


    The colonel was surprised and, as you might guess, asked why.


    "Well, sir," the enlisted man said, "if there was any work involved, you officers would have me doing it for you."


    Sorry thought I would throw that in after all it is an Off Topic thread.



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  5. I don't know if this the right thread for it or not but suicide should be talked about more. We simply should not pretend it doesn't happen. Those left behind never get the answers that they need and believe me they do need answers. This has hit home for me so many times.


    5 of my daughters year 12 class had suicided by age 25.


    Several of my son's platooon from Afganistan are no longer with us.


    3 members of my immediate family 2 on the same day.


    Always the same questions. Why. What did I miss. What should I have done differently.


    Trust me every time it happens a little more of those left behind dies as well.


    And always the niggling doubt that it was my fault because I didn't see it coming.


    I can't understand how anyone could do that and leave those they love behind especially when it had already happened to them.


    Sadly for someone was has seen to many suicides up close and personal I simply cannot understand it.


    I hope that doesn't make me a bad person.


    So yes suicide does happen and we should talk about it more. Again I put a lot of it back on reporters and the media. Instead of saying crap like "there are no suspicious circumstances". Tell the truth say he/she comitted suicide. Get people talking about it. Get people asking why. Get people ringing their mates at odd hours just to say gidday mate how the f*** are you.


    Pisses me of pussyfooting around the whole topic when it is real and it is here and it happens. Like I said sorry if this is in the wrong thread.



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  6. I thought twins died off due to the high operating costs and maintenance? Surely they aren't thinking of allowing something like the aircam into RAA?

    Aircam. Tell me where to buy one. Now I think about it can you get a twin endorsment on the RPL. Lol



  7. I joined RAA because I liked the look of the new modern late model aircraft lined up rather than the ancient bloody Cessnas parked next door. I didn't know there was GA and RAA I could just see that one school had shiny modern planes and the other had faded old dinosours. I got the same impression at 2 different airfields.


    So be careful how you think because some of us did not join for rag and tube stick and rudder flying even though we have come to enjoy that part of it as well.


    But if I was going to fly around Australia it would be in a modern plastic fantastic at 120 knots and CTA access and transit rights would make that journey safer. All that from a person who sees a Drifter in his not to distant future.


    I think that the poll in this thread clearly shows that many RAA members cleary expect more than an hour a week in a drifter within 50 miles of home. And as I say nothing wrong with either and it is a modern world I see no reason why we can't do both.



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  8. From todays board meeting, the second topic under aircraft. Admittedly they quite clearly state no interest at this time but rule nothing out.


    "The second issue was the opportunity for multi engine aircraft to sit on the RAAus register. The Board did not rule anything out, but felt at this stage we have ample strategies on our agenda and as such should see those through first before exploring further technical changes".


    Your thoughts please. .



  9. In Qld you also use a private contractor for unregistered vehicles, they cannot however do registered vehicles.


    What I did in the case above was cancel the registration on the 21 Dec, had the vehicle inspected by a civvy contractor on the morning of the 22 Dec and then re-registered it and didn't need another inspection for another 12 months. The private inspection cost about the same as the Government one and he came to me. Only thing was I needed a weighbridge to re-register. That my friend is bureaucracy gone mad.



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  10. VThat involves getting detailed evidence and analysis from third parties, and it all takes time.

    I question why Bureaucracy and the Legal Systems both require so much time.


    I wonder if they are not just feathering their own nests and ensuring they have an income for the next x number of years.


    Yes people have to be interviewed leads need to be chased and systems need to be checked and verified but it seems to me the the sluggishness of official channels is a self fulfilling prophecy.


    It seems that the time taken to do a job can be extended long enough with a little bit of effort to put several kids through University.


    I once tried to book a truck in to get a machinery, (annual inspection) current inspection expired 23 Dec. I rang on the 1st of November only to be told that no inspections were available until late January.


    When I asked for an extension I was promptly told that I should not have left it to the last minute to book.


    The public sector have long since forgotten that they are Public Servants not Public Hindrances.


    If someone rang me to do a job and I told them to come back in 3 months I would get laughed into bankruptcy.



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