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Posts posted by Geoff13

  1. My annual membership was due 23 Jun which was also the date of my original membership.


    I took the opportunity to join for a further 5 years thus avoiding this price rise and any subsequent price rises over the next 5 years.



  2. There have been several media reports of male immigrants from Africa, in Australia, when several males were living together in Govt housing, being found starving, despite the cupboards being stocked with food for them.Apparently the problem was, in their still-relatively-tribal culture back in Africa, the women do the cooking, it's abhorrent and beneath the men, for them to do cooking.

    They are the hunters and warriors, the subservient women are the cooks.


    So they had to teach them how to do some basic cooking, so they could survive.


    Then the problem remains, trying to re-educate them to Western ideas and culture and living standards. Their driving standards are still African standards, too, unfortunately.


    These people, having no skills and little education, are then obliged to seek out menial work such as shopping trolley collectors. Their highest aspiration generally is to become a taxi driver, and then be able to afford a taxi.


    Stepdaughter caught a taxi home from Perth airport one night last year, the taxi driver was an African - and the back seat and boot of his taxi contained his clothing and bedding! He was utilising the taxi as his mobile home as well!


    Needless to say, SD is pretty reluctant now, to catch taxis with dark-skinned drivers - despite she herself having a degree of African and Arab ancestry!


    Despite reputedly strict controls and regulation, the standards in the taxi industry are really slipping, due to excessive numbers of immigrants from 3rd world countries, it's no wonder Uber got a foothold.

    Glad you prefaced your comment with


    "Several Media Reports"


    As we all know the media appear to get it wrong more often than not.


    It appears that they are not trying to improve their standards here.



  3. I am not kidding, he/she passed right underneath us about midway between Woorim and Tangalooma, a blue low wing, with nose wheel undercarriage, similar to a Sportstar or Sling, heading for Woorim. Not sure whether it was RAA or GA, as you can understand it all happened rather quickly. I was sitting on 3400ft as the C class starts at 3500ft, so he/she was doing some pretty dangerous stuff by heading that way. I may be wrong, and I know that under 5000ft he/she didn't have to, but I don't even think he was keeping to a hemispheric level, that is, I think he/she was a bit higher than 2500ft. I remember that I had just made my 10nm call to Tangalooma traffic when it happened and I was monitoring that frequency. There was a bit of traffic in the area that I could hear, but not him/her.There's always one in every industry, isn't there?109_groan.gif.66f71fc85b2fabe1695703d67c904c24.gif


    Crazy stuff...and pretty hard to see anyone coming front on too. The VFR route tracks are well separated too you can be a bit either side of track and still have heaps of separation

    Just to play devils advocate here.


    At 10 nm from Tangalooma as you state you had just made that call, you are actually halfway between Bribie bridge and Woorim and right over the southern part of Bribie.


    At that point you at the juncture of 3 different frequencies, Caboolture/Caloundra 125.85, Redcliff127.15 and Tangalooma on 126.5. Most people in that area would be on the 125.85 as it is part of the eastern/southern training area for Caboolture and Caloundra. in that area I listen to 125.85 and monitor either Redcliff or Area.


    Again most people that I know crossing the bay Bribie to Moreton and back do so at as close to 3500' as possible. In theory if the fan stops halfway across at that height in most aircraft you will have enough glide to get to one of the beaches so long as you glide with the wind behind you.


    Even up to 3 miles out over water he may not have been crossing rather just flying local as many do head out over the water when flying around Bribie eastern beaches.


    When I am crossing I do the following.


    West to East I use the 125.85 from Ycab to Bribie and monitor 126.7


    I give position and crossing calls on both 125.85 and 126.7 and a 10 mile call for Tangalooma over Bribie central.


    I fly a 3400 and monitor Area and 126.7 and fly almost directly over the VFR Route.


    East to West I use the 126.7whilst ever I am over the island and monitor area


    I give position and crossing calls on both 125.85 and 126.7


    I fly a 3400 and monitor Area and 125.85 and fly south of the VFR route from Combayuro Point towards Woorim. Once past halfway I swing North towards the VFR Route and cross the coast almost right on it.


    I find that gives me the most options if the fan stops.


    I do often fly around Bribie with no plan to go anywhere and sometimes pop out over the bay to check out a ship or boat or sometimes just a shadow without intending to cross.


    One last point, below 5000' there is no requirement to even have a radio and as such we should assume that there will be someone out there without one. Best answer to that is eyes outside.


    Not trying to justify anything here really other than that is a high traffic area and people may not be doing what you think they are doing or should be doing, but could still be well within the rules. FWIW



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  4. Alf it just seems like a few months not years.


    I remember reading all your posts as you and your family went through this.


    So pleased that there was such a good outcome after all you and your family went through.


    Hopefully we members of the forum were able to provide you with some little bit of support through the dark days.


    It does show with the amount of support how good these forums can be for people who are feeling down and isolated.



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  5. I was there at the time bull, went looking for it after I heard the news. I was at the Cappi roadhouse at the time but couldn't find the plane.but yes it actually happened as others claimed to have seen it.

    Another event I heard about was a light airplane landed or attempted to land on Ayers Rock. The news broadcast the incident showing the black


    marks made by the tyres. It seemed that most of the focus was cleaning the rubber. I never heard of any follow up.

    From memory this one was reported on the 1st of April, I can't remember the year.



  6. My thoughts after watching that compared to the OP. Interesting how much left rudder before applying power.


    Even at takeoff the elevator was level as I would expect it to be in level flight. (It wasn't in the OP).


    From that I assume and I may be wrong but the pilot is simply allowing the aircraft to lift of the ground when it is ready and not trying to force it up.


    Very similar as I find taking off in a drifter.


    Oh and how close together are those mains, not a lot of room for error there.


    Like i saw I don't have much tailwheel time, and what I do have is in a drifter but it seems to me that the theory must be very similar.



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  7. Why didn't I think of that? I gave up trying to find a magnetic oil bung- they used to be common.

    It wasn't my idea, my L2 suggested it after a service and a filter cut showed what we determined to be remnants from a buggered sprag clutch.


    So we taped a magnet to the filter and ran it for 5 hours and found no problems.


    Then we redid it and ran it for 20 hours and again found no problems.


    It was an interesting exercise and like most things since starting my flying journey it has been a learning experience.



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  8. You guys are amusing at the very least, sadly you have zero SOH though, must be a sad world to live in where you are that angry!:oh yeah:Ignore list for you two!:-)

    Maybe with the number of people you have said have zero SOH and put on your ignore list a little self reflection would not go astray.


    But at the rate your ignore list appears to be growing at it shouldn't be long before you have no-one left to reply to.



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  9. FWIW, I dont charge a single cent when anyone comes flying with me. Sometimes people buy me lunch, sometime people shout me a beer at the pub afterward, I don't expect anything. I am only going flying when I want too, not when someone else wants me too. What goes around comes around, Compensation may come in seeing someone enjoy flying, it may come in seeing someone else accomplish their dream of flying, I don't really care.

    Totally agree



  10. Of all engines he has sold it was only mine and one other guy here in Sweden who "had" issues with mid air stops.

    And how many have they sold? Ie how many without the problem so we can work out a percentage with the problem?



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