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Everything posted by Birdseye

  1. I know the sort - as soon as they enter the cockpit they make a grab for the four ringer's joy stick.
  2. No car involved in this one. Just like big jet engines, small propellors are also dangerous.
  3. The snag is, that despite all of the publicity given to mental health over the past couple of years, there is still a stigma associated with it. Top that with the fear of restricting your career, it's going to mean that many people will do their best to hide any illness. After all, you only have to look at the Type II diabetes situation and CASA. If you were unaware of the problem you get a medical pass, but declare it and you have to jump through hoops to get a medical.
  4. Silly me, I thought he was on about Joe Stalin. He fixed the Russian population figures.
  5. In these days of equal opportunity, probably should be Anne Air Marshal.
  6. Along with some comments from Warren Truss, another ex-spurt was quoted as saying, "We didn't have these doors on cockpits to keep them sanitary before 9/11 so this is another flow-on effect," he said." I hadn't realised that crapping in the cockpit was a problem before the 11th of September.
  7. Reminds me of the old motorcycle accident excuse, "sorry mate I didn't see you". Sad to see anyone die without cause.
  8. Before others get to it, they can't even spell calibre. As I was told by a septic; "an armed society is a polite society". Poor show that so many had 'one up the spout'. I wonder if any actually had terrorist intent?
  9. You should realise that my views about population growth are just as extreme and that they don't follow those of the late Malcolm Fraser. I might also be taking the p*ss. As to taking Dick, sorry no thanks.
  10. It took a little while, but when I thought about it and then considered it again while I thought about it, and then thought about it again and although I was being rushed it was easy. Aye?
  11. That's below the belt, shame on you :-) I bet the Irish elf doesn't like paying for them either!
  12. I would have thought Mackay would appreciate some population growth. If nothing else, like most of Northern Queensland, it would elevate the IQ, aye.
  13. In the heyday of the IRA the major UK airports embarked on a panic exercise to hire a swath of security people. Initially limited to Heathrow, Gatwick and i believe Glasgow, this brown army suddenly descended, subjecting all and sundry to security checks. Fortunately they still allowed crews to go through their briefing procedures and jump in a minibus to get to the aircraft, without the utterly pointless step of going through the pleb security! One trip saw us near the holding point of 10R at Heathrow ready for a quick trip to Glasgow, when the hostie came onto the flight deck (we knew it as the cockpit in those non-pc days) and said we had a pax on board who was actually going to Edinburgh. Being somewhat gallant I ignored that the hosties must have been less than diligent in their check of the boarding passes, after all in those days getting the lippie and stocking seams right was more important. However, the punter had also gone through four 'brown army' checks and still come down the wrong pier!
  14. That is what is termed 'a reasonable adjustment' in a number of fields, including survivability training.
  15. Magic, at least they won't worry about being PC or give a s**t about the Argies!
  16. He would have liked you Phil. You agreed with him.
  17. I find it very reassuring that each time I fly I am scrutinised by failed night club bouncers, recent immigrants from the Middle East and other superficially screened persons who, employed by crappy security companies out to make money, are paid peanuts. Airport screening is a mere illusion put up by the authorities, in order to make the public think that all the pointless inconvenience is actually making them safer. Meanwhile similar persons employed as baggage handlers do their best to trash your luggage and are no better security screened than their compatriots in the terminal. So don't get me started either. Damn, I have
  18. They do in Oz, but it doesn't yet involve psychiatric or religious screening.
  19. Class 1 medicals will now require an intact foreskin.
  20. Thanks for confirming that I'm not quite as yet in my dotage
  21. I recall an incident in a DC-10 in the US. The flight engineer beat up the Captain and FO with the aim of crashing the plane. He very nearly suceeded. Hopefully I'm not recalling one of the many 'disaster movies'.
  22. Just imagine, ICAO comes up with a guideline about cockpit manning, then due to poor amendment of legislation wording CASA bans all single pilot aircraft...............
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