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Everything posted by Birdseye

  1. I hate to make such a stupid suggestion, but use common sense. The point of the rule is to provide enough time to see and avoid if somebody pops out of the cloud base. Beware of some CASA clown reading this thread and coming up with another idiotic requirement!
  2. It would be funny if CASA didn't require a native English speaker, former PPL holder and thirty year ATC to do a stupid bloody English test. Stoopid plicks!
  3. That doesn't mean that I can't express a contrary opinion.
  4. I think this is covered a few posts back, check it out. I have been concerned for some time with the use of portable ELBs . I don't know what he carried, but some time and significant resources could have been saved with a properly installed impact triggered ELT, never mind potentially a life.
  5. I really don't believe that its worth the effort for something that CASA could probably do in a few minutes. Its the sort of document I might look at from time to time to clear up a thought, not a document I would regularly consult.
  6. Hopefully the free pdf version won't be far off.
  7. Another oblique one. I think we should applaud the choice of Virus.
  8. I have just realised that all along I have only been laughing my socks off due to my misreading his user name. Thanks for the clarification!
  9. I think the point here is if posting at all, at least make it: Humorous Original Informative Aviation related Otherwise a toilet cubicle is a more appropriate place to put it. As the post fell short of any of those points, it should be put where all crap belongs (SMH). Any subsequent historical/hysterical posts only serve to do it justice.
  10. I inadvertently made a comment a while ago when reviewing my steps in getting back into flying, that in a Foxbat it wasn't necessary to worry about a forced landing. My intent was that to say that they were an aeroplane which could easily be slotted into a tight spot, not a comment on the reliability of the Rotax.
  11. Stories of this sort I always check out on "Snopes". Yes it is bull. http://www.snopes.com/politics/quotes/trumanpc.asp
  12. Some good videos from same source: https://www.youtube.com/user/okguido
  13. Twice the number of engines, twice the chance of a failure. The only statistical benefit is the unlikelihood of simultaneous failure.
  14. Strewth, where have you been for the past thirty years or so? GFA clubs have been doing that for years.
  15. Go for it. Unless you come down in some town's high street, it's unlikely some CASA oik or other useless tool will know about you. Let's call it a risk based flight assessment - how likely is the risk of you getting caught?
  16. Don't blame them , they are probably scared fartless by CASA into being restrictive. The gyroplane people are also just as bad. I asked about converting a non-Aus PPL to a RPL - can't do it they said. You first have to convert to a Aus PPL (and therefore have to go through the Class 2 nonsense) then downgrade it to a RPL. Now if that isn't totally screwed up, I'd have to ask what is. Australia has to be the most over-controlled nanny state that I've come across and its still only nudging second world status!
  17. These days you'd probably find half the hospital staff leaving as well.
  18. Whilst common sense may support that suggestion, I wouldn't place to much faith on it in a law court. An analogy could be a "Beware of dangerous dog" sign on the front gate. Whilst it gives a warning, it is also an acknowledgement that you have a dog that is potentially dangerous. So if it bites somebody, guess what........ The piece pf paper may provide some protection to CASA, which is more than likely why they require it.
  19. More than a few will be hoping it was fuel starvation.
  20. Practice is only required where currency cannot be maintained through the normal course of events.
  21. To resolve this Tas/Wales argy-bargy, perhaps a new poll - incest or bestiality - which is the 'real thing'?
  22. I had a pal who flew a night freight flight with a new (transexual) pilot. He wasn't the type to get phased by much, but did find the emerging '5am shadow' on his/her chops at the end of the night a bit disconcerting.
  23. Just read today that not only did it run off the runway, but they also touched down 1000' short of the threshold taking out some fences and ILS aerials.
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