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Everything posted by Nightmare

  1. Hey well done Rick, I went for my first solo last November, so I know how you feel, which is pretty damn good. You have Area Solo and your certificate to look forward to, plus all those goodies like Ozfergie mentioned. Then you can fly where you want ... You want some critiquing? It maybe the camera field of view fish eye effect, but you looked a little far from the field on downwind. If the fan stops, being a little closer gives you options, but as I said, that could be an optical effect. Perfect landing though, nice round out and float. I could hardly tell you touched the ground.... smooth!
  2. I've been itching to overfly Dayboro from the airfield in Coominya, for a while now since getting my RPC. Not particularly hard, it's in between all those coastal mountains and hills, which seems to attract lots of clouds. Today it happened, the best flying conditions since I became a pilot!
  3. I was just amazed how much air legislation he violated.
  4. You picked a good time to fly, I went up today with my sister as PAX hoping to do some sightseeing. Cloud base was between 1200 and 1500ft, so mostly we had to stay in the circuit area. She learned what a "Touch and Go" is now. On one circuit, when we started turning downwind, I spotted what appeared to be a big bird off to the right about the same altitude, it grew into a plane! It flew right over YBCM at 1000ft. That is circuit height!!! , and he was moving! We estimated he was flying at about 150kts. There were no announcements on Coominya CTAF which is the same as Gatton Airpark which is to the south on the same frequency, and he was coming from that direction, and transiting to the north somewhere. When we landed, my instructor commented on it as well. I may be a new pilot, but that pilot in that low-wing fixed NW undercarriage aircraft who barrelled through the circuit area at circuit height unannounced needs re-training! That was so dangerous! I recently purchased the X-Country Endorsement Training Manual, so I'm getting ready to do my navs as well Tony
  5. I took my first passenger, my stepson, up for a flight yesterday, after getting my PAX endorsement. He took a few pics. He told me he had a great time.
  6. Hey Brent, You just took me back to when I did Straight and Level, also with Wayne in the Tecnam, last May. You took a nice pic of Caboolture Aerodrome, get familiar with it, I'm guessing that you'll be doing a lot of touch and goes there in the not so distant future. Co-incidentally, I was up in the air as well today. I agree with you about the gusty conditions, didn't get any rain though. I had to do a go-around when a gust hit me just as I was about 30ft off the ground. I finished my hours required for my passenger endorsement, today, then took the flight test for it. Now I have my first nice little entry on the Endorsements page of my logbook. Still feeling a bit ordinary from the turbulence though. Keep up the good work Brent, this aviation stuff only gets better! Tony
  7. Hey David, wait til you go for your first Area Solo...... that was the next good feeling moment for me... something to look forward to Tony
  8. Well done David and happy birthday! What a birthday present! Tony
  9. I can say the same about you as well, I've watched all your videos on your website from your Nynja to your Legend.... awesome, and we are local. I've done some touch and go's at Watts Bridge. Keep posting those videos
  10. I went for a cruise around the Brisbane Valley and Lockyer Valleys this morning. It was a nice day for flying.
  11. Could the "B" in B17, B25 etc is the military classification for "Bomber", The "F" in F18, F16 etc for "fighter", "C" for "cargo", "P" for "Propeller Fighter" ..... maybe??? I believe the chief storeman types in the military give them these classifications for inventory purposes.
  12. Everyone who I talk to who has flown them has loved them. Have you gone solo yet?
  13. Thanks David, after the pressure of all the flight training, it's been nice just floating around up there. I'm going for my PAX endorsement in just over 3 hrs flight time. Are you getting much flying in lately? How your Sportstar going?
  14. I had the GoPro hooked up yesterday when I did my flight around Lakes Wivenhoe and Somerset.
  15. My instructor/CFI did much the same with me, we went out on a normal lesson, Emergencies outside the circuit, and wing drop recoveries. When we got back, he was filling out the debrief paperwork, and he started filling out a page titled something like: "Flight Test for the issue of Recreational Pilot Certificate". He reached over shook my hand, and said, "Congratulations Captain, you are now a pilot" I was expecting one or two more lessons to be honest. That was last week, my head is still spinning from it!
  16. Tell me about it, I love every aspect of flight training so far, but being able to not worry too much about achieving learning objectives and just enjoying the flight is great!
  17. I did my first "out of the circuit" flight since getting my RPC today. I took a leisurely flight from YBCM along Lake Wivenhoe, up to Lake Somerset, then west past Watts Bridge and Toogoolawah, then back to Coominya via Esk. Then finished up with a few touch and goes. As Geoff said, the conditions were brilliant!
  18. I've also booked the plane for Thursday. I'm hoping conditions are are going to be good to do a bit of a tour of the lakes, otherwise more Touch & Go's at Coominya
  19. I was talking with a guy who went for a fly out of Redcliffe this morning. He was saying it was very bumpy up to 1500ft and challenging crosswinds for take off and landings. I've been looking at the wind closely myself, it has improved today. I'm itchin to get back in the air... booked the plane for Thursday
  20. Yeah Mate, just got to sort the Nav Endorsement first, and I'll be there. I'm thinking around June or July
  21. Thanks David, how's your training going? I'd guess you must be pretty close to finishing
  22. I graduated today earning my Recreational Pilots Certificate!!! :contract:I AM NOW A QUALIFIED PILOT! A big thank you to John at Coominya Flight Training for your excellent instruction and patience to get me over the line, and a big thank you also to Wayne and Mahl at Fly Now Recliffe for all your excellent instruction and patience during my first tender steps into aviation. Next step: PAX Endorsement, then Navs. I'm hooking up the GoPro on my next flight
  23. Wow! $6000 is about what I'm paying all up for flight training for my RPC without endorsements. Glad I don't have a nicotine habit
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