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Everything posted by Tomo

  1. I think the R22 is a little more gentle on the engines. From memory, I think the O-360 in the 22 operates around 2,650rpm, whereas the IO-360 in the 300 is more in the 3100rpm range. (don't quote me on that, but I think it's around those figures) I haven't done any work on the 300's, but the 22's are a very simple aircraft, and reliable if done right, they will bite if not respected though - pilots realise the lack of power pretty quick on a hot day, full fuel with a tail wind! I've never Piloted a Helicopter, but done some work on the 22's in the maintenance side of things.
  2. That's interesting Neil, what do you reckon is the first few things pilots start to skip?
  3. Wheel on a car, years ago... a couple days after getting new tires fitted at the tire place... (didn't wreck much, good tough old XP)
  4. G'day Rob, great to have you along. I never cease to enjoy watching aviation videos too, made a few of my own which are around and about the place. Would you like to be a pilot someday, or just prefer to watch and see? If I ever run into you at a fly-in or somewhere you're most welcome to come for a quick ride. I'm west of Toowoomba, generally fly aircraft that are based out of Dalby, Toowoomba, and Archerfield areas. Just a hobby for myself at the moment, and experience building by helping a few gliding clubs out with towing. Keep up the good work, and we may run into each other someday.
  5. Slides better on bitumen, particularly if they put down some foam. If you loose a wheel or something in anything, stick to the hard surface. (from experience!)
  6. The heading to the article probably needs to be headed better 'tis all... "Pilot loses control" (covers anything! )
  7. You really don't like them do you!! RV's are the way to go with speed, being GA though.
  8. What speed is a SP6 taildragger Jab?
  9. Does it make it fly faster, or just helps with it tracking true? (other than getting blown around in the wind currents)
  10. I remember doing a couple lessons on slipping, best thing that was ever taught me I think, use it all the time for various reasons. Some instructors I've flown with tell you to ease out of the slip way above the ground... In the Drifter I keep it in right up to and come out of it as you flare, makes for a neat landing to I reckon. 172's slip nicely with flap up, I remember on my GFPT test he did a circuit engine failure on me, then on base said the flaps aren't working either... slipped it in on final easing out in the flare, he passed me so I guess it wasn't to bad! I would love to fly with someone that knows they slip properly and just see if I am doing it right, as you hear lots of people saying that many people can't do it correctly, well I'd like to see If I am someday.
  11. Hey Motz, I am really only doing it for the extra experiance, and for those times when leaving before sun up is much more pleasant etc... I will be doing commercial later on in the year, so it's just another handy thing to know. I know I should just do an IF rating but I seriously can't afford it at the moment!
  12. I don't have a wife, but that sounds about the same as my Mum...
  13. Thanks guys, really good replies, and advice. Keep it coming! If I can add to my home loan that would be cool, but I don't think I've had the loan long enough... would be only 4-5months or so, although paying it off at around 4 times the rate at this stage.
  14. Not that I'm aware of, just the same as Day VFR, anything above FL100 you need oxygen, flightplan/clearance.
  15. Thanks everyone for your thoughts, has been great to read through! Most appreciated. That's awesome! Will be a pretty neat trip back south on the old girl.
  16. Draw them on yourself... I have a WAC chart laminated which I use in the local area, covers where I fly most locally, so I draw everything on it, including runways. And it's always there when I need to go for a quick run. For long distance nav's using the ERC gives you a good idea.
  17. I slip in most of the landings here, only mild side slip though... by the way I was fairly hot on most approaches so I would touch down in front of the hangar... Starts at around 2.15 I think -
  18. Yeah, and just when you think you have it figured, they go an change it!
  19. Dunno OME, that's got me curious too.
  20. Thanks HH and Mark I've got a house loan, so I guess I've loaned before, though it's not paid off yet so I'm not sure if it would be classed as credit rating or not. Mind you I will look into it 'in depth' when it's time, but just putting it out there to get the mind ticking first. Not sure what aircraft yet... Thanks David!! I'm just prodding the air at the moment, getting a taste of what's out there... and what's involved! (more on the money lending side, as I'm fairly up to scratch on aircraft maintenance and conditions etc...)
  21. Yeah true, but aren't they a lovely looking aeroplane! And Cessna tail draggers are just something to fly, anyone who has flown them I'm sure knows where I'm coming from! Maintenance isn't a huge issue as I can do most things myself under the supervision of a LAME, as I do part time work for an Aviation maintenance facility from time to time. But yes there are still costs to be looked at.
  22. I hope to get my own aircraft in the near future, and obviously the only way to do that would be with the help of a finance company. So I thought it would be interesting to hear from others what company they use, and how have you found them? Thanks!
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