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Everything posted by Tomo

  1. Like this : a list or plan showing turns of duty or leave for individuals or groups in an organization: next week's duty roster.• a list of members of a team or organization, in particular of sports players available for team selection.verb [ with obj. ] chiefly Brit.place on or assign according to a duty roster: the locomotive is rostered for service on Sunday.ORIGIN early 18th cent. (originally denoting a list of duties and leave for military personnel): from Dutch rooster ‘list’, earlier ‘gridiron’, fromroosten ‘to roast’, with reference to its parallel lines.
  2. It's pretty good, it's just a red dirt strip as they all are out here, but been recently graded - I'd land a Jab on it, put it that way. You're welcome to visit Matt (I'll double check with the owners once you work out when), there is avgas in Windorah down the road, so you can either land there and fuel up or I can get a drum filled next time I'm in town. Be great to catch up again! From the 26th onwards we'll be mustering for a couple weeks, so it probably wouldn't be a good time during that unless you want to help! You won't have a problem with weather at least... dry as a bone out here! If you get your WAC chart out and fine Quilpie and Windorah, "Clifton" is about 70klm toward Quilpie on the highway. The property is marked on the map.
  3. Yes! Well just for a couple months at this stage... on a station out here, 70klms East of Windorah... got an airstrip, fuel and cake, or even a bed if you need it! Come visit!
  4. Anyone have more info on the two parachutist that collided today somewhere near Goondiwindi? Apparently only minor injuries but that would have to be a highly scary experience!
  5. Good billy starting material. And waste of money...
  6. G'day Scott, I use the foam ear pieces, never fancied the rubber ones even though I've never really used them! No problems with altitude, been up to 9500 many times and never an issue.
  7. Prototype of the Piper Arrow...
  8. Hey everyone! As some of you may know, I'm now on a Station 70klms Eastish from Windorah... so just putting it out there if anyone of you are from around the area within a few hours it would be cool to be able to catch up and do some flying or whatever. PM if you want some Co-ords of the station as there is an airstrip here and there's always cake and coffee available!
  9. Which desert are you in Alf? I'm on a Station not far from Windorah for a couple months...
  10. Thanks for the photos Captain! Loved checking them out since I couldn't make it down this year.
  11. Welcome RedBaron! Good to have you... and even if Phil is jealous of your flightsimming... he'll get over it!
  12. This is terrible! Flown with Wayne on occasions, he was a character but he taught me how to be one with the aeroplane... Thanks mate. Wayne was the Steve Irwin of the skies..
  13. I'll be quite h'armless if you do that Phil...
  14. I've been called many things, but I must say, this has the most beaf to it.
  15. I wondered why the plane was getting closer, then it hit me....
  16. As true as this is, I often wonder if it's the problem of why there is such a problem with people stalling their aeroplane 'accidentally', which often times ends in disaster! Before you all decide to tie me in the stocks, I'm just trying to think practically now... but how many people stall their plane and crash doing negative G push overs?? Most times it's by someone, now lets face it, pulling back on the stick, increasing AoA - in return decreasing speed. The main component of LIFT is airspeed and AoA... however without airspeed, AoA is a bit useless. You could get all philosophical but I just get a little frustrated when people say, 'airspeed hasn't really got everything to do with it' and use push overs and the like as descriptions... anything that makes it negative, you don't need lift!! If anything the lift is transferred to the top of the wing. Any thoughts on that? I'm just wondering why people still 'don't get it' and stall and spin their plane into the ground! Stall stick position is probably more valuable than just saying AoA. (I know they're the same thing...but...)
  17. Probably why it was hard to start if it wasn't on idle... I'd certainly want to know why it was running the way it was before I took off. There's quite a difference between a 'knowledgable' decision choice, and a 'I hope it'll be right' choice!
  18. It's time we revisited this topic I believe... the latest accident of the Spitfire just reinforces the matter that even experienced pilots can get caught out and end up in a bad way. I'm no instructor and it's been a while since I studied this, but from memory an aeroplanes stall speed at around 45˚ angle of bank at level flight (not climbing, or descending) is about 1.5G with a wing loading of 1.2 times stall. What that means is if you stall at 40kts wings level, you now stall at 48kts. At 60˚ bank, level flight; it jumps up to a 2G turn, and 1.4 times the stall, so that would be 56kts for our 40kt stalling aeroplane. This is in ideal conditions... smooth air etc... So give yourself a mental challenge if you don't already know it, and think about what your aircraft speed needs to be for a certain bank angle. Don't forget to factor in climbing or descending into your thoughts. Stall stick position is always a good indication also. Just my few thoughts for the night, fly safe everyone
  19. Yeah that's true, however I have to pull my plane out, not push it!!
  20. Landing is important. Welcome mate.
  21. He did a bearing or something in the back wheel of his bike. Other than that, I don't think a lot happens in Hillston!
  22. Oh the sinking feeling...
  23. My brother Brady and I flew down to Avalon for the airshow this year, was a fantastic weekend - was my first show of that scale and I was pretty impressed with the turn out of displays, not to mention people!! A big thanks to Ian for letting us stay at his house and for letting us use his car, and picking us up and dropping us off at the station at some pretty ridiculous hours of the day! Was a great time, and caught up with a few forumites, which was fun! Also Patrick from the forum here took me up to the tower and I watched the show from there for a little while, that was pretty awesome! So many thanks to you Pat, for doing that. I have video on my camera, but just haven't had time to do anything with it yet, so in the meantime I'll just give you a link to my brother Brady's flickr sight and you can view his photos of the show. Hope you enjoy. http://www.flickr.com/photos/50527022@N02/sets/72157632939398334/
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