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Posts posted by winsor68

  1. A bloke I work with has about $35k debt so far towards his CPL...Personally I think you would have to be mad to want to fly as a career...Go to the Dick Smith Flyer pages and read what he has to say about it.


    BUT...if you are truly, truly passionate about it then good luck...and don't let anyone tell you it can't be done.



  2. I saw a UFO once....I was with friends having a few drinks...standing on the porch of a house in Brisbane when I saw a cigar shaped glowing object moving slowly across the twilight sky in the distance...for about 2 minutes I was totally gobsmacked....hair standing up...thinking this can't be real...a very, very eerie feeling...called everyone else's attention to it and we were all standing there gasping!!!..............until someone pointed out it was the "Whitmans" lightship!!!!! (you know the airship that gets around...now with holden badging I believe.)



  3. Too true


    006_laugh.gif.0f7b82c13a0ec29502c5fb56c616f069.gif:laugh:Too true and runs of the end of the strip when you try to stop:loopy:

    Or up the back of another aeroplane...


    And I bet the pilot would never nod or wave to other pilots...and at flyins would just stand in the corner wearing some ludicrous getup with arms folded and scowling...


    And would leave oil all over the ramp...


    (moderated due to language)



  4. That is a nice Auster...In Mackay we have a Tiger Moth and an Auster run by the same group...they offer joy rides in the Tiger...Personally I would rather go for a ride in the Auster...I remember when I was about 5 years old the gliding club my dad was in used an Auster for towing and I was never allowed to go up in it because it was in real rough condition...have always wanted to fly in one...One day I will I hope...



  5. Skydiving is totally recreational flying...We should all show respect for these guys who pioneered skydiving...Today it is an amazing sport with a history of safe operation...If you haven't already done so have a look at the Link to Labertouche above...a-bloody-mazing!!!


    Obviously they are doing something right due to the fact that CASA lets them throw themselves out of perfectly good aeroplanes with a minimum of interference...



  6. Why don't you try a theme for a week at a time (or more or less)...I have found that just as a for instance...you can type RV aircraft into Youtube...and you will find hundreds of videos featuring Vans machines...and there are some truly great videos there from RV3 through all marks up to the Harmon rockets...flying, construction, Dick Van Grundsen interviews etc etc. In my opinion no homebuilt aircraft designer or single mark of homebuilt has made a bigger contribution than these machines...they truly are legendary.


    You could call it RV week...lol



  7. Unfortunately I did not get any contact details...I did not want to force the issue...


    I will be going back out again in the hope of catching up with the gentlemen who has a Thruster there...Apparently there is another field near Marion not far from Palmyra as the Sparrow flies and I will investigate that too...have heard there are a few trikes, gyros and parachute operations are conducted there.



  8. Ok..so this wasn't a flying trip...but a trip to an airfield...


    Days off...nothing much to so I just took a nice ride out to Palmyra Airfield south west of Mackay...Had previously seen a Thruster being flown from there...This time it was deserted with a few machines extending the drag strip run off area.


    I spoke with a gentleman their called Greg and he showed me inside his hanger....he has a beautiful RV9a...said it took him about 2 years to build at a cost of about $80 000...cruises at 150knots.


    It is the only Homebuilt at the strip...all the rest are GA except the Thruster 503 which is for sale. There is 8 hangers there and 2 more about to be built.


    Should have asked to take a photo...



  9. I just found 42 seconds of footage of the show on Youtube...Please Blarti don't remove this one due to copyright...it is not available anywhere...the more people who see a little of it the more pressure may be bought to bring it back from the archive it is in at BBC...lol...Apparently efforts are underway to get the only two series made released on DVD...They used a lot of models and had a real Farman, Be-2 and a few others as well...It was bloody brilliant...




  10. Does anyone remember the BBC Television series "Wings"...It was about a group of pilots in WWI flying Be-2 aircraft in the early part of the war...It was years ago but I remember it as a wonderful show...It is a shame but it seems that it is not available on DVD.


    On another note I have just ordered a movie called "Cloud Dancer" from the States...This was a great but mostly unknown movie starring David Caradine as a competition aerobatic pilot who had a brother with Downs Syndrome and and another young pilot who became his protoge...I have just ordered it from the States.



  11. Have you ever tried telling a motorbike owner that he could have a got a nice little car for the same price ?Cheers



    Have you ever tried explaining to a car driver that the bike you buy for the price of a cheap car gives you motorcycle performance on par with a Lambourghini? 0-100kmh in less than 4 seconds....300kmh top speed....Not for the feint hearted...but then again neither is flying.


    Lol Lol Lol to the car drivers...



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