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Posts posted by BirdDog

  1. Now, I know this has been done to death, but this has myself and a mate puzzled, and it goes like this....


    So my buddy (PPL Holder) asks how my flying is going etc etc, and we got to discussing 25nm restriction without X-Country and he says...


    "Hmm can you land 20nm away and then go another 20nm?"


    I say no, and him being like he is says...


    "Let's look it up!"


    So we jump on the RAA website and check out the ops manual and we find the following;





    In order to act as pilot in command of a recreational aeroplane at a distance greater than 25 nautical miles from the original point of departure a Pilot Certificate holder must hold a RAAus Cross Country (X) Endorsement.


    Note: Consecutive flights of 25 nautical miles do not comply with this requirement.



    Now, this got us into a heavy discussion, and as neither of us are legal experts, we called another buddy who is... sent him that clause and asked for what he thought it meant. Here's what he said...


    "You need to break it down, so lets do that....




    That clause says to me that in order to travel greater than 25nm, you are required to hold a Cross Country Endorsement.




    Then the note says.... Consecutive flights of 25nm don't comply with this requirement, and therefor don't need the cross country endorsement. If what you are asking is, can you fly multiple legs to travel 50nm, my interpretation is yes"


    That left my original buddy gloating... so I am putting out there to you guys for comment. I was trained, and always had the understanding that you can't hop. BUT.... As my buddy said...


    "If you land 20nm away, how long do you have to stay there for before it becomes the original point of departure?"


    He has a point!!


    Let's discuss!







    • Like 1
  2. Ok.. I thought I was pretty clear - RESTRICTED - NOT CTR. The CTR was in fact recently removed.


    It is now R421A.


    No point calling the tower - the dude in the tower can't overrule a CASA Regulation or an RAA requirement. So he or she could very well say... yeah.. go fly mate, squark 4265!! But that does not mean legally I am allowed to fly there.


    I knew this thread would end up like it has, because I have already had the same discussions with local pilots that I know. Everyone seems to have a different answer. LOL! The worrying thing is - we should ALL know this inside out - and I don't, along with many others - and that's a worry.



  3. Ok... So... This thread has had the desired result! It's not just me that finds it difficult to get clear information about our requirements as an RAA pilot. For those wanting to know why, my home AD sits smack bang in the middle of an RA1 Military Restricted Airspace.


    NOT a control zone! They recently removed it. It's now RA1 Restricted.


    So yes, I am trying to get 100% clarity of when I can and can't fly. My aircraft indeed flies in this airspace, as all of my training was done while the airspace was active. So the question for me is not is the aircraft allowed in ( that I know - I have the transponder etc etc) it's more, me as a pilot. FYI - The airspace generally switches off on the weekend.


    It's very clear from the responses in this thread that, just like other areas of aviation, the information for an RAA pilot is also confusing and difficult to find. Now... Given the amount of Restricted Airspace around the country, you would think a simple page on the RAA website explaining it in clear english would be a simple solution! But yet - no - we have to dive in to the very confusing world of legal documentation.


    So I look at it this way....


    What is the first question people ask me when I tell them I am an RAA Pilot? Want to know? The question I get is - "where are you allowed to fly?"


    So why the heck is there not a page easily grabbed in the RAA site that steps that out in plane english? I would have thought that is one of the most important questions we should have the answers to. And not just the obvious C and D etc. But PRD, ADIZ etc etc.


    Another reason this came up is because recently an RAA registered aircraft recently wandered into controlled airspace, so it kicked the discussion along, which led to me seeking complete clarification on the airspace at my home AD.


    Anyways... My fear was realised... the info for RAA pilots is just as cumbersome as the rest of the CASA information.


    Thanks for the discussion lads.



    • Caution 1
  4. So some have just stumbled into my dilemma. "Treated as" is my point.


    I have very good experience with casa regs and laws (I'm in aviation) so hence my head scratcher on this one. It's very easy to say "you will need CTA endorsement " but what I'm looking for is where that actually is stated.


    There are so many example of people thinking they "know" a regulation, but have never seen nor have any knowledgeable of where to it stated. It's just what they have been told / trained.


    I find it strange that all of the RAA documents I'm looking through, none mention Restricted - unless I've missed it.


    So if someone knows where it's actually stated - in any data - that's what I'm looking for.


    I guess we should all know where to find this info if we are to be responsible RAA pilots. Surely it's in our best interest to know the info, not just hear it from some guy at the pub. ;)







  5. Hello Gents,


    I am wondering if someone can point me in the right direction.


    It is my understanding that to enter a CTR (military or otherwise) you would need CTA endorsement. However, can someone tell me what the requirement is for restricted?


    I understand approval is required from said millitary, I get that, but is a CTA endorsement required for millitary restricted airspace for an RAA pilot, and if so, where is that actually stated?


    Sorry if this is a dumb question, but I am getting conflicting information, so I am trying to find the factual documentation.







  6. Hi all,


    I have recently acquired a beautiful Evektor Sportstar and the only thing that is annoying me is a couple of decent scratches in the canopy. These are not like fine scratches, a couple of them you can feel with your finger nail.


    Any tips? I know there are some good products that apparently do a good job, but I didn't want to have a crack and find out the hard way that I know have made the thing worse.


    Thanks all.





  7. Hey all,


    So just about to finish my Nav endorsement and so will be heading out into the deep blue soon enough, so just wondering what Apps you guys use in the cockpit?


    Obviously there is OzRunways - I use that, but what else? Share with us what else you have loaded up in the cockpit!







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