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Posts posted by johnm

  1. a tough lesson to all concerned  - my sympathies


    since no one has suggested our conjectures are .....................


    the PAL thingy is the remote activated lights on the runway ?


    wonder why the plane 1 that landed first ? could not reactivate lights for plane 2 - or could PAL be overwhelmed by requests


    Can you activate PAL when on the ground ?



  2. Turn ON your auxiliary fuel pump BEFORE EVERY stage of flight where, even momentary, fuel starvation could be a danger

    YEp - agree with that SD. I went for a fly with an instructor - high wing plane / tanks (who shall remain anonymous - not in queensland). Instructor was adamant that fuel pump (for whole flight and at least 5 landings) did not need to be turned on because mechanical fuel pump pressure was OK


    I did not agree ............ but of course instructors rule (PIC) prevailed



  3. skippyd


    try sunlight soap - you can buy a box of 4 cakes for about $ 4 ? (cheap, cheap)


    use a cloth and soap on liberally to soak - wait say a few minutes and then get stuck in with the elbow grease - works a treat


    the bloke that told me this said that if your having marital problems - give the spouse a soaping in sunlight soap - had no need to try this yet





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  4. at gympie queensland we have a small aerodrome - a tarmac strip and a grass x strip, a taxiway and parking, the obligatory bog, a fuel facility, about 30 hangars (6 commercial) - probably 70 planes, avgas and mogas, coffee and about 50 grumpy aero club members. The facility is superb and is the biggest aviation hub for the shire. 


    I guess future expansion will come from the sunshine coast creeping this way (and subsequent pressure on their aviation facilities)


    The council want to involve themselves in aviation matters - it is their ? land after all - this might be a good thing - I personally believe their aviation consultant (s) ? are suggesting things that do little but muck around with things that are adequate - the latest list from Council is below in the quote marks


    I understand a consultant needs to suggest and change to justify a fee


    'START Good afternoon


    Following a comprehensive analysis of the aerodrome project by Council staff and external consultants, Council at its Ordinary Meeting on Wednesday, 12 December 2018, resolved to undertake further investigations regarding future economic opportunities for the aerodrome prior to any major investment decisions being made. As a result, the planned parallel taxiway or glider strip improvements will not be proceeding at this stage.


    As safety is of paramount importance, Council has committed funds to the following works and investigations in the financial year ending 30 June 2019:




    ·         Threshold relocation


    ·         Installation of flush gable markers


    ·         Aircraft Parking


    ·         Fencing and signage


    ·         Construction of an Aerodrome Reporting Officer’s office


    ·         Runway Regrade design.


    Should you wish discuss the above matters further, please contact me on 07 5481 0759.


    Kind regards ................. END'


    some of it looks like fantasy land - fencing (the whole perimeter - who knows) (signage - don't stick your hand in the propeller) (reporting office (cash register and boom gate)) - authorities must be seen to be doing something but sometimes the best course of action is to take a rest and stop spending money ? - and yes to a degree they are n't spending money on site (just shuffling paper)


    - what say you about the above ?


    - are there similar tales to tell - how were they solved (there is probably no solution)


    - are there any aviation consultants out there that are versed in provincial aerodromes ?


    - the old question - can a council kill an airport - do they have the legislative clout to do this - does a council have to keep an aerodrome operational ?



  5. Poteroo's insights I believe are correct - if you train as an electrician to rewire a light switch with a screwdriver it does n't mean you are more receptive to poking your finger into the danger zone


    I don't believe there should be any statutory requirement for additional training - leave me alone - I got my bloody license - I like many others try and stay current as best we can. A similar example of that is road user behaviour ............................. (no expansion required)


        - we should be careful about additional requirements - watch out - I can just imagine the day that every 2 year period we will have to have done 5 hours of meetings / training in front of the executive and they will extol their virtues for us to hear - proof of how fantastic everything is (BFR's excluded)


       -  its called CPD - continuing professional development 


       - cynical - yep


    However, I've never asked this, but if there was a designated low flying zone in my area - and I could go there and watch some trees and hills whizzing past and do it solo - I'd be first there - but first I'd get checked out by my instructor  


    in any case we all low fly - every time we takeoff and land - and ironically we do 90 turns next to that glass ceiling (500 feet - or is it 600 feet ?) 



  6. oooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhh I don't know, if I was a state employee properly trained and with that weekly pay packet and there was no towering inferno in the CPD ....................... I think a nice quiet saunter out in an open paddock would be quiet therapeutic


    its not all clock cards, sweat, tax, mondayitis, enterprise bargaining and boss slaying you know



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